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Phases of sleepPhases of sleep
12 Dec.
There have been two main phases of sleep: Orthodox (slow) sleep and paradoxical (rapid) sleep....
The Secrets of PlutoThe Secrets of Pluto
11 Nov.
The New Horizons team sheds light on the 10 least unexpected discoveries about Pluto and its satellites. They were found during the craft's flyby of the planet in July of this year. The 1st space surprise is that Pluto...
Secrets of the mirrorSecrets of the mirror
20 June
Venetians kept this secret as the apple of their eye over two hundred years and their mirrors sold on exorbitant prices....
How one sleeps, and what the phases of sleep are?How one sleeps, and what the phases of sleep are?
20 Feb.
Do people know why they need to sleep? , how we sleep? , how sleep stages is in our dreams? , what are the violations of the normal sleep? , are there rules about sleep? , is sleep necessary for us?...
Secrets of the Holy GrailSecrets of the Holy Grail
12 Nov.
The Holy Grail is a mysterious Christian artifact that has stirred excitement in people for centuries. The search for it began after the death of Jesus Christ and since then people from around the world have been searching...
Secrets of the Rosetta StoneSecrets of the Rosetta Stone
02 Apr.
The Rosetta Stone is a black granodiorite stone, with texts of 3 different languages written all over it - 2 in ancient Egyptian and 1 in ancient Greek. This monolithic document was created in 196 BC by King Ptolemy V, the...
Secrets of the Cheops pyramidSecrets of the Cheops pyramid
20 June
These magnificent facilities survived millennia, and remain vigilant to keep their secrets....
Scientists Discover the Secret to Deep SleepScientists Discover the Secret to Deep Sleep
02 Aug.
Some scientific theories claim that quality sleep is directly related to memories, while according to others, sleep has a stronger connection to IQ....
The Harm of Sleep DeprivationThe Harm of Sleep Deprivation
17 Jan.
Women who sleep very little, age forty percent faster than their peers who sleep at least seven hours a day. People who don't get enough sleep shorten their lives by at least ten years....
One of Greenland's Biggest Secrets RevealedOne of Greenland's Biggest Secrets Revealed
15 Dec.
For decades, scientists have been wondering how the world's largest island had formed and whether Greenland, as its name suggests, was not the snowy wasteland in the past as it is today. Two separate analyses by British...
Unravel the secrets of Nazca phenomenonUnravel the secrets of Nazca phenomenon
24 Nov.
Gerald Hawkins from Smithsonian Institute in Washington made a series of new studies of giant drawings in the desert Nazca. It became known to the disclosure of the mystery of Stonehenge in England, describing the building...
The Book of Thoth Reveals Secrets of the UniverseThe Book of Thoth Reveals Secrets of the Universe
14 Sept.
For long years, the secrets of the ancient Egyptians have sparked the curiosity of researchers. It is uncertain whether they're just legends or real historical facts....
The secret language of flowersThe secret language of flowers
29 Nov.
Since ancient times people have used flowers to express their feelings, thoughts and ideas. Lewis Carroll was sent to Alice in Wonderland through a mirror in a garden filled with talking flowers. Ancient Greeks and Egyptians...
Lack of Sleep Provokes False MemoriesLack of Sleep Provokes False Memories
15 Aug.
A study shows that a lack of sleep can lead to false memories. The study is the 1st of its kind and has determined that less than 5 hours of sleep per night is linked to the formation of false memories....
Sleep Cleanses the Body of ToxinsSleep Cleanses the Body of Toxins
04 Feb.
While we sleep, our body cleanses itself from toxins, this being yet another function of sleep, state scientists from the University of Rochester....
The Dirty Secrets of Each Zodiac SignThe Dirty Secrets of Each Zodiac Sign
11 Jan.
Here are the dirty secrets of each zodiac sign: Aries. You are aggressive, impulsive and loud - qualities that can easily get you put away in the zoo. Your strong character and high erudition are just a pose....
The Book of Soyga Reveals its SecretsThe Book of Soyga Reveals its Secrets
18 May
Researchers, historians, occultists and cryptologists are still trying to unriddle secret ancient knowledge. One of the most thoroughly studied and still undeciphered books is the Voynich Manuscript....
The Macabre Secret of the Cave of SkeletonsThe Macabre Secret of the Cave of Skeletons
21 Oct.
An ominous cave, located not far from the mouth of the Khwae Yai River in the Thai province of Kanchanaburi, has for years on end been the subject of debate between scientists and made numerous people tremble in fear....
The Secret of a Good MoodThe Secret of a Good Mood
15 Nov.
What is the secret to a good mood? You must have asked yourself this question many times when you come across happy people in the park who can't stop smiling....
The secret of the living deadThe secret of the living dead
12 Feb.
\"The man was lying, without evident signs of life. Around him were naked black people. An old black man with a bracelet of ivory shouted something. On checking whether this man was truly dead, no heartbeat or reaction of...
The Hidden Magical Secrets of the Human ShadowThe Hidden Magical Secrets of the Human Shadow
07 Dec.
The human shadow holds a special place in various legends and folklore tales. Many of the ancient peoples saw it as a magical extension of our bodies and it was even present in important prophecies and magical rituals...
The Underground City of Derinkuyu Hides Many SecretsThe Underground City of Derinkuyu Hides Many Secrets
09 Nov.
The region of Cappadocia in Turkey remains one of the most mysterious places on Earth, initially drawing attention due to the rocky shapes formed by the interaction of wind and volcanic rock. But the greatest mystery...
Secret of the fireballs of the Mekong in ThailandSecret of the fireballs of the Mekong in Thailand
30 Nov.
Only once a year, in the first full moon of October, in the northern part of Thailand, an inexplicable phenomenon happens. At sunset, on the surface of the Mekong River fly pink, orange and green fireballs. After...
The Brain Ages Due to Lack of SleepThe Brain Ages Due to Lack of Sleep
10 July
The extensive study continued for 2 years and investigated the sleep habits of a group of volunteers, with an MRI used to monitor their sleep....