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A New Species of Dinosaur Has Been DiscoveredA New Species of Dinosaur Has Been Discovered
12 Nov.
American scientists from the state of Utah have come upon the remains of an unknown to science dinosaur. It is theorized that the intriguing find is a predecessor of T-Rex....
New Species of Prehistoric Man DiscoveredNew Species of Prehistoric Man Discovered
05 Feb.
Just days ago, scientists announced that they had discovered a new species of prehistoric hominid. It inhabited the territory of Eastern Asia 490 000 - 10 000 years ago....
Paleontologists Discover New Species of Dinosaur That Lived 200 Million Years AgoPaleontologists Discover New Species of Dinosaur That Lived 200 Million Years Ago
27 Oct.
At a dig site in Southern Africa, an international team of scientists has discovered a dinosaur footprint measuring 22 1/2″ (57 cm) by 19 3/4″ (50 cm), belonging to a previously unknown species....
Greece archaeologists discovered an ancient temple of ApolloGreece archaeologists discovered an ancient temple of Apollo
29 Nov.
Greek archaeologists have discovered ruins of an ancient temple of Apollo in the Aegean Sea, reports the Athens newspaper Neftemboriki....
Mysteries of the unknownMysteries of the unknown
31 Jan.
The unknown facts and places are so many and we can not describe them all - there will always be something missing, untold....
Latest discoveries from the Dinosaur EraLatest discoveries from the Dinosaur Era
26 Feb.
It was identified as a new species know as pliosaur. The pliosaur was described as a group of extinct aquatic reptiles that had huge skulls, short necks and four flippers to aid them with swimming....
Paleontologists Discover the Bones of Last Dinosaur Living in AfricaPaleontologists Discover the Bones of Last Dinosaur Living in Africa
12 May
The paleontologists who made the discovery say they've practically won the lottery because the fossils belong to the ancient carnivore, Abelisaur (Chenanisaurus barbaricus), an extremely rare species....
Mass Extinction of Species BeginsMass Extinction of Species Begins
08 July
"All over the world we are seeing the last surviving specimens of some species. We ourselves are sawing off the branch we're sitting on, " warns Prof. Paul Ehrlich from Stanford University....
Cemetery of vampires was discoveredCemetery of vampires was discovered
15 Feb.
During excavations for the construction of a new building dead bodies of 13 people were discovered, all of whom were buried in the same horrific manner....
Discovered, the mummy of Queen SesheshetDiscovered, the mummy of Queen Sesheshet
08 Dec.
Archaeologists have discovered apart of the mummy which implies that it belongs to Queen Sesheshet. The Queen ruled the Egyptian empire 4, 300 years ago....
Ancient City of Man-Ape Civilization DiscoveredAncient City of Man-Ape Civilization Discovered
09 Mar.
The most remarkable discovery thus far is the head of a man-jaguar....
Archaeologists discovered the mines of King SolomonArchaeologists discovered the mines of King Solomon
24 Nov.
The discovery was made in the ancient fortress known as Kirby en Nahas, which when translated from Arabic means "the remains of copper"....
The Benefits of an Afternoon NapThe Benefits of an Afternoon Nap
28 Apr.
The benefits of an afternoon nap are indisputable. Scientists confirm this by pointing to the fact that thanks to it, the human body gets a sort of restart during the stressful and hectic day. After an afternoon break, studies...
Hobbits were separate speciesHobbits were separate species
04 Oct.
Studies of the skull of the so called hobbits, discovered on the Indonesian island of Flores in 2003, showed that the holder was an archaic ancestor of human scale and was not suffering from illness, nor a modern man, reports...
Ten Tons of Coins Discovered in Ancient TombTen Tons of Coins Discovered in Ancient Tomb
17 Nov.
Recently, Chinese archaeologists discovered more than 2 million copper coins in an ancient tomb in the region of the city of Nanchang, China. The coins are more than 2000 years old....
Tomb of the Most Ancient Egyptian Brewer DiscoveredTomb of the Most Ancient Egyptian Brewer Discovered
05 Feb.
The article writes that the discovery was made by a team of Japanese scientists during excavation on a major work site....
Discovered the tomb of Cleopatra and Mark Antony?Discovered the tomb of Cleopatra and Mark Antony?
31 Oct.
Hawass it will be with the same comparable importance as with that of the discovery of the tomb Tutankhamun....
Afraid of Infinity? You`re an ApeirophobeAfraid of Infinity? You`re an Apeirophobe
09 June
Look out the window, far into the distance, and ask yourself whether this makes you feel any fear. If the idea of infinity, in any form, scares you, you're suffering from apeirophobia. Apeirophobia, simply put, is the...
Archaeologists Dig Up the Remains of Triple-Horned Dinosaur - WendiceratopsArchaeologists Dig Up the Remains of Triple-Horned Dinosaur - Wendiceratops
11 Feb.
A species of triple-horned dinosaur, unknown until now, was discovered in the northern wilderness of Canada, writes the British Daily Mail. The horned reptile roamed the Earth approximately 89 million years ago....
Reason for Absence of Memories in Early Childhood DiscoveredReason for Absence of Memories in Early Childhood Discovered
06 July
The condition is described as childhood amnesia and is characteristic of other species as well, not just in humans....
The Epic of Gilgamesh Expanded with Newly Discovered TextThe Epic of Gilgamesh Expanded with Newly Discovered Text
17 Mar.
The Babylonian Epic of Gilgamesh has surprisingly been expanded after new clay tablets were found, telling the legend of Gilgamesh, the king of the Sumerian city of Uruk, and his friendship with the hero Enkidu. The...
Archeologists discovered the tomb of King Herod the GreatArcheologists discovered the tomb of King Herod the Great
30 Nov.
The discovery was made in the famous castle Irodion (Herodium), referred to as a place where Herod I is buried from the century BC, reports Reuters a historian....
A New Theory About the Extinction of the DinosaursA New Theory About the Extinction of the Dinosaurs
15 Dec.
The abrupt change in weight cause the rapid die-off of the dinosaurs....
Death is Simply an Illusion of our ConsciousnessDeath is Simply an Illusion of our Consciousness
12 Sept.
According to psychology professor Dr. Robert Lanza, death as we know it does not exist, it's simply a process of consciousness going from one form into another. The psychologist is convinced that people don't actually...
Of All Living Organisms on Earth, 99.9 Percent are Unknown to Science!Of All Living Organisms on Earth, 99.9 Percent are Unknown to Science!
31 May
If this analysis is accepted in the scientific community, this practically means that 99.9% of the living organisms on our Earth are unknown to science....