

Selected legends have survived over the centuries. Legends of extinct civilizations and cultures. Legends of nations and tribes inhabited the Bulgarian lands.
Mysterious Letter May Reveal Truth about the Legendary Alcatraz EscapeMysterious Letter May Reveal Truth about the Legendary Alcatraz Escape
26 Jan.
The mystery surrounding the 1962 Alcatraz escape attempt is on its way to unraveling thanks to a mysterious letter.
The Legend of the Noble Deed of Lady GodivaThe Legend of the Noble Deed of Lady Godiva
30 May
A 900-year-old legend speaks of the Lady Godiva, who sacrificed her own dignity in front of the entire town, in an effort to lower the taxes imposed on its citizens.
The Woman with the Plastic Face - Real or an Urban Legend?The Woman with the Plastic Face - Real or an Urban Legend?
16 Aug.
According to the legend, the tale played out in June 1972 in Cedars Senai Hospital, when a woman in a white dress walked in, whose outer appearance completely stunned hospital personnel.
The Legendary Boiling River of Mayantuyacu in the Amazon Boils People AliveThe Legendary Boiling River of Mayantuyacu in the Amazon Boils People Alive
24 Feb.
If a person were to put their hand in the boiling river's waters, even for a second, they can get 3rd degree burns. And if they fall in it - death is almost certain.
The Sinister Krampus Punishes Misbehaving Children Before ChristmasThe Sinister Krampus Punishes Misbehaving Children Before Christmas
23 Dec.
Besides the traditional legend of Santa Claus, before Christmas in some Alpine countries, they also tell the tale of the demonic Krampus, who punishes children who have misbehaved during the year by beating and torturing them.
The Mythic Legend Surrounding the DreamcatcherThe Mythic Legend Surrounding the Dreamcatcher
12 Dec.
A dreamcatcher is a talisman that comes from Native American mythology. The Native Americans believed that dreams reflected a person's confidence, maturity, goodness and loyalty.
The Legend of the 6 RacesThe Legend of the 6 Races
11 Dec.
According to the Doctrine of Races, the first race was that of the self-born - ethereal, angel-like beings who were up to 164 ft (50 m) tall. The second race was the so-called Hyperboreans.
The Black Prince and its Legendary TreasureThe Black Prince and its Legendary Treasure
05 Oct.
A fabulous gold treasure lies on the bottom of the Black Sea, which has for more than a century now remained lost, despite the numerous expeditions sent in search of it.
Legends of the Edelweiss FlowerLegends of the Edelweiss Flower
14 Sept.
Another of the legends about edelweiss tells of a princess who was astoundingly beautiful. The time came when she had to choose a husband and the potential candidates were many.
George Washington and his Legendary Wooden TeethGeorge Washington and his Legendary Wooden Teeth
03 July
George Washington lost his 1st tooth when he was just 22 years old and then kept losing them one after the other. By the time he became an influential politician, he had only one natural tooth left in his mouth.
The Legends Surrounding the Game of ChessThe Legends Surrounding the Game of Chess
30 June
A number of different legends exist about the creation of the game of chess. One of them tells of a despotic raja who lived in India many centuries ago.
The Legend of the Most Beautiful Oasis on EarthThe Legend of the Most Beautiful Oasis on Earth
05 June
The legend goes that when a beautiful Peruvian princess was bathing, a young hunter approached her. She was frightened and ran off, while the water she had been bathing in transformed into a lagoon.
Who was Saint Patrick and What Did Legends Say of Him?Who was Saint Patrick and What Did Legends Say of Him?
17 Mar.
On March 17th, the Irish celebrate the day of their patron St. Patrick and even though the holiday is Catholic, people from around the world and of different religions commemorate it.