»Articles»Ancient World»Legends»The Legend of Romulus and Remus - the Beginning of the Eternal City

The Legend of Romulus and Remus - the Beginning of the Eternal City

Romulus and Remus and the she-wolf that raised them

The Eternal City, the city on the seven hills, Rome, whatever you call it, you won't go wrong. It cannot be denied that it is an exciting and captivating city that has an equally exciting and captivating history.

According to legends, Rome was founded by the twins Romulus and Remus - sons of the herald Rhea Silvia and the god of war Mars. Their mother was the daughter of Numinor, the rightful ruler of Alba Longa (an ancient settlement founded by the fugitive from Troy Aeneas).

However, he was driven from the throne and his younger brother Amuleus took his place. To secure his power, the new ruler kills his brother's legitimate heir and the niece forces herself to become a herald, condemning her to 30 years of celibacy.

Four years later, the god Mars appeared to Rhea in the sacred forest of the heralds. In 771 BC. she gave birth to two twin brothers, which were his - Romulus and Remus. When Amuleus learned of this, he was furious and ordered the two brothers to be thrown into the Tiber.

The basket in which they are placed is washed ashore, where Romulus and Remus are found and raised by a she-wolf, a woodpecker. It is because of this that these animals later became sacred to ancient Rome.

Years later, the two brothers were found by a shepherd named Fastul. Along with his wife, Aka Lorentia. The two decided to raise Romulus and Remus as their own children, having recently lost a child. When the brothers grow up, they return to Alba Logna and learn the truth about their origins. As a result, they kill Amuleus and return the throne to their grandfather. Four years later, they were tasked by the king to find a place along the Tiber to found a new colony on Alba Longa.

Romulus and Remus

According to legend, Remus chose the Aventine Hill and Romulus the Palatine Hill as the site for the new settlement. With neither willing to back down, the two decide to wait for a sign from the gods to show them which path to take. And so they secluded themselves and waited. Remus saw six vultures in the sky and Romulus - twelve, with which he won the argument. According to traditions it is his right to pass the furrow that defines the boundaries of the city.

Angered by his loss, Remus begins to mock the fortification his brother is building for the new city. Finally, he leaps over the fortification, which is taken as a bad omen, as it means that the fortifications of the city will be very easily overcome.

In response, Remus is killed and his brother continues with the construction of his city. Romulus named the city after himself - Roma and became its first king.
