World History

World History

Curious facts and stories from the time of the first civilizations up to our time. Secrets and mysteries in world history .
The Inquisition - Facts, Myths and TruthsThe Inquisition - Facts, Myths and Truths
30 Nov.
The word inquisition evokes feelings of evil, torture and fear. The Inquisition persecuted heretics for centuries. The most memorable and terrible was the Spanish Inquisition.
Persian Empire Rise and FallPersian Empire Rise and Fall
28 Nov.
World history knows many significant empires created in antiquity and among them the Persian Empire stands out especially brightly with its brilliance.
The History of MesopotamiaThe History of Mesopotamia
25 Nov.
To Mesopotamia we owe the invention of cultivated agriculture, the wheel, the calendar, numbers, the alphabet and much more. History and facts about Mesopotamia.
The Greatest Empires in HistoryThe Greatest Empires in History
25 Nov.
Of all the empires that have arisen and flourished on the face of this earth, what are the five greatest? How is it even possible to pick five out of the hundreds that have flourished over the past five thousand years?
The History of the HunsThe History of the Huns
22 Nov.
The Hunnic tribes are part of the history of the world and more precisely of that of Europe. The Huns appeared on the continent in the 2nd century and in the 5th created their state.
The Arab CaliphateThe Arab Caliphate
20 Nov.
The theocratic Arab-Muslim state, created as a result of the Arab conquests in the 7th-9th centuries and headed by caliphs, is called the Arab Caliphate in historical chronicles.
Who are the Franks?Who are the Franks?
19 Oct.
In the 5th century, barbaric Germanic tribes invaded the lands of the Western Roman Empire and settled in these places. These are the Franks. Undisputed peak in the history of the state of the Franks is the reign of Charlemagne.
The Rulers That Even History ForgotThe Rulers That Even History Forgot
06 Feb.
A lot can be forgotten in 3000 years. Men and women who are powerful in their day fade into memory after 5, 10, 100 years. There's no shortage of examples of this throughout history.
The Legendary Weapons That Shaped HistoryThe Legendary Weapons That Shaped History
13 June
The legendary Scandinavian God of Thunder, Thor, wielded the hammer known as Mjölnir. The weapon was crafted by 2 dwarves - Brokkr and Eitri.