Historical Events

Historical Events

True stories and facts from real historical events from Bulgaria and the world that have left a mark on human history. Curious stories and events from the near and far past.
The Extraordinary Story of the Dwarf Jews who Survived the HolocaustThe Extraordinary Story of the Dwarf Jews who Survived the Holocaust
16 June
During the Holocaust, European Jews went through drastic changes in their lives, often leading to a fatal end. The Ovitz family however, whose members were dwarfs, managed to survive those sorrowful years.
The Epic Battles That Ended Entire EmpiresThe Epic Battles That Ended Entire Empires
24 Mar.
Most ancient battles were but parts of large-scale wars that ultimately decided the fates of kingdoms and empires.
The Most Brutal Types of Torture Ever CreatedThe Most Brutal Types of Torture Ever Created
03 Aug.
Used in Ancient Greece, the brazen bull torture technique goes as follows: The victim is put into a hollowed out bull statue, made of bronze. Under it, the torturers place logs and burn them until the metal gains a fiery yellow color.
False Historical Facts!False Historical Facts!
14 June
Years prior to Captain Cook setting foot on Australian shores in 1770, Dutch explorers Abel Tasman and Dirk Hartog, as well as English pirate William Dampier had already been there.