

Looking for information on Tombs? Check out our latest articles on Tombs.
The Strangest Tombs Ever DiscoveredThe Strangest Tombs Ever Discovered
This is what archaeologists concluded upon finding and inspecting several tombs belonging to the local aristocrats in the region. Each tomb was located more than 40 ft (12 m) below ground....
Tombs of the last days of the AztecsTombs of the last days of the Aztecs
Moreover, archaeologists have also discovered in the tomb items which could had been produced from Aztec, buttons and pieces of glass....
The tomb of Philip of MacedoniaThe tomb of Philip of Macedonia
Hi tomb- Museum is located in Vergina, 75 km. away from Thessaloniki. Interest in this area was already shown in 1850, when archaeologists have suggested that there are tombs there....
Ten Tons of Coins Discovered in Ancient TombTen Tons of Coins Discovered in Ancient Tomb
Experts believe that the tomb belonged to Liu He - grandson of emperor Wu, greatest emperor of the Han dynasty. The dynasty ruled between 206 BC and 220 AD....
Discovered the tomb of Cleopatra and Mark Antony?Discovered the tomb of Cleopatra and Mark Antony?
If the search for the tomb of Cleopatra is to be successful, according to Dr. Hawass it will be with the same comparable importance as with that of the discovery of the tomb Tutankhamun....
Tomb of the Most Ancient Egyptian Brewer DiscoveredTomb of the Most Ancient Egyptian Brewer Discovered
And, you will remain speechless when looking upon all the ancient tombs and temples - they become embedded in the consciousness of each visitor....
Archeologists discovered the tomb of King Herod the GreatArcheologists discovered the tomb of King Herod the Great
The empty tomb of the ruler of Judea was found in the Irodion fortress 12 km from Jerusalem....
Tomb of Egyptian Queen Portends the End of the WorldTomb of Egyptian Queen Portends the End of the World
The tomb of queen Khentkaus III was uncovered at the end of last year and the analysis of the remains in it recently concluded....
Ancient Egyptians and kissing deathAncient Egyptians and kissing death
Grave of men kissing was discovered in 1964 during an archaeological excavation of ancient tombs in the vicinity of Cairo. Once the archaeologists dug the tomb, they found neither the king nor treasures....
Nubian Pyramids - a worthy competitor to the EgyptianNubian Pyramids - a worthy competitor to the Egyptian
Their tombs built under steep pyramids were plundered in ancient times, but the drawings preserved in the chapels of the tombs show that ancient rulers were mummified....
Parts of the book of the dead were found in the sarcophagiParts of the book of the dead were found in the sarcophagi
One of the oldest tombs proved to be virtually untouched by thieves. Mummies in all newly discovered tombs are covered with canvas....
Millennia-Old Mummy Discovered in LuxorMillennia-Old Mummy Discovered in Luxor
Not far from this new find also lies the tomb of the quartermaster serving under Queen Hatshepsut....
Discovered, the mummy of Queen SesheshetDiscovered, the mummy of Queen Sesheshet
According to Dr Hawass, an antiquity tomb of Queen Sesheshet was robbed by the Marauders, who have stolen almost all valuables from the tombs....
Ossuary of KaiaphasOssuary of Kaiaphas
These tombs belonged to separate families, so that subsequent burials were normal. Two dozen ossuaries were occasionally in the open tomb which contains a formed name Kafa "Qafa" or "Kaiaphas"....
Human sacrifice discovered in PeruHuman sacrifice discovered in Peru
A temple with a tomb has been discovered in which for thousands of years has remains of human sacrifices in it. It was uncovered by archaeologists in Peru....