

Looking for information on Soul? Check out our latest articles on Soul.
Homeopathy for the SoulHomeopathy for the Soul
In this sense, homeopathy for the soul is the simple truth. It is a stimulus for the healing of the soul and lives of people. To follow the principles of homeopathy, this truth must be served in small doses....
What is a Soul Mate?What is a Soul Mate?
In our present life, our soul mate may be married to another or be a part of our family, as a mother or father. This makes coming together with our soul mate unattainable....
The soul lives in my heartThe soul lives in my heart
So Pirsol concludes that the soul or the nature of man, "lives" not in the brain, as was considered before, but in his heart. So keep your heart, it is the home of your soul ......
Scientists Have Peered into the Sun's SoulScientists Have Peered into the Sun's Soul
Science has managed to take a peek into the Sun's soul. For the first time, scientists have observed the Sun's core, analyzing its emissions from neutrino particles....
Signs That your Soul has Reincarnated BeforeSigns That your Soul has Reincarnated Before
This ingrained experience could very well be due to your soul being older, more patient and rational....
Russian Scientist Photographs the Soul Leaving the BodyRussian Scientist Photographs the Soul Leaving the Body
The soul, colored in blue, is clearly seen as it gradually leaves the human body....
Spiritual Medium Reveals What Happens to the Soul After DeathSpiritual Medium Reveals What Happens to the Soul After Death
Meeting with loved ones Praagh explains that after the soul exits body it meets up with the souls of all those who were dear to us....
Quantum Theory Explains What Happens to the Soul After DeathQuantum Theory Explains What Happens to the Soul After Death
Quantum theory can explain what happens to the human soul after we die....
Signs That your Soul is Sick, According to the Ancient ShamansSigns That your Soul is Sick, According to the Ancient Shamans
Find out the 3 symptoms below, according to which the ancient shamans said that our soul required healing. 1....
These Signs Indicate That your Soul has Reincarnated More than OnceThese Signs Indicate That your Soul has Reincarnated More than Once
Old souls are always introverted, while those who have yet to be reborn many times are extroverted. 2. You are creative Due to the numerous times they've reincarnated, old souls have acquired various talents....
The 4 Kinds of Soul Mates we Meet in our LivesThe 4 Kinds of Soul Mates we Meet in our Lives
Our karmic soul mates are the ones showing us the fields in which we need to start from scratch. 4. Twin soul mates These are the soul mates in the company of whom we feel best....
The Zodiac Signs Who Find it Difficult to Find a Soul MateThe Zodiac Signs Who Find it Difficult to Find a Soul Mate
Those who have managed to find their soul mates are undoubtedly the lucky ones. But today we will meet the zodiac signs that are at risk of ending up alone because they constantly push away those around them....
What`s the First Thing you See? The Answer Exposes your Very SoulWhat`s the First Thing you See? The Answer Exposes your Very Soul
Psychological tests with images seem to be among the easiest out there but they still reveal a ton about us. The first thing you see in the image reveals your inner self and the qualities that hide behind the mask you show...
Notable Individuals who Sold Their Soul to the Devil for Power and FameNotable Individuals who Sold Their Soul to the Devil for Power and Fame
This led the Church to question the purity of the musician's soul and even forbade his funeral in Genoa. The story of blues man Robert Johnson is a similar one....
The Devil is on the Prowl for your Soul at Night Through the MirrorThe Devil is on the Prowl for your Soul at Night Through the Mirror
According to another belief, at nighttime and during sleep the souls of humans are particularly vulnerable....
Why the Soul Does Not Want to Return to Earth Once it Leaves the BodyWhy the Soul Does Not Want to Return to Earth Once it Leaves the Body
When a person dies and their soul exits the body, they begin to identify with it....