Five Planets Line Up This Month
It is much rarer to witness a large parade of the planets, when 5 or more planets line up above the horizon....
Hidden Planet Nine Found
And might, logically, be wondering how the new planet could be called Planet Nine....
2 More Planets are Hidden Beyond Pluto
In turn, this hidden planet must have an orbital resonance with another planet that is even farther and larger than it....
The Meaning of the Planets in Astrology
This is the planet of love and partner relationships....
NASA Finds Likely Habitable Planet
NASA's space telescope Kepler has found a planet, whose conditions for life are extremely similar to Earth's. According to experts, this quite likely means that the planet is habitable....
All Planets Become Habitable After Billions of Years
They have attempted to calculate what will happen to the planets found in them over time....
Spaceships to Take Human DNA to Other Planets?
On the other hand, this is a kind of proof that mankind, or at least his DNA, can survive on other planets....
Stephen Hawking: Humanity's Salvation Lies in Colonizing Other Planets
The physicist has on numerous occasions urged humans to look for another habitable planet....
The Deadliest Poisons on the Planet
Ricin is obtained from the seeds of the Ricinus communis plant. The plant yields castor oil as well but the real toxic ricin remains in the plant fibers....
Deadly Bacteria are Attacking our Planet!
An elusive bacteria is attacking the planet. The dangerous microorganism has already been found in animals and samples from sick people....
Ways We Can Help the Planet
Even if we can't imagine our daily lives without washing machines, hairdryers or air conditioners, there are many other little things that can bring positive changes not only to your well-being but to that of the entire planet...
The Most Ancient Creature on the Planet
The oldest organism on our planet is a type of mussel, which was killed during the research process by its discoverers....
Telltale Signs you`re from Another Planet
This ability is a remnant from your past life on another planet, where its inhabitants communicated through telepathy....
How the Planets Will Affect us Until the End of June
Cancer - Trouble is coming
Obstacles get in the way of your grand plans. A conflict between family members or colleagues at work may cause you trouble for a time....
Illuminati Conspiracy: a planet with 500 million people
The conspiratorial plot reveals the circle of people in the shadows, the Illuminati, who control the planet and pursue a new world order.
The Illuminati are a secret society....
The Last Remaining Primitive Tribes on the Planet
As unbelievable as it may sound, primitive tribes still exist on our planet, living in complete isolation from the rest of the world and rarely having contact with outsiders....