

Looking for information on Mesopotamia? Check out our latest articles on Mesopotamia.
The History of MesopotamiaThe History of Mesopotamia
The first world superpower also emerged in ancient Mesopotamia. It was the Assyrian Empire. Assyria was named after its original capital, the ancient city of Ashur in northern Mesopotamia....
The symbol of the winged sunThe symbol of the winged sun
The winged sun is found in ancient Egyptian, Mesopotamian, Sumerian, Hittite, Persia, South American and even Australia with much symbolism and many of its variations....
The Story of the Tower of BabelThe Story of the Tower of Babel
Long after the Apocalypse, the survivors came to the land of Shinar, located in Mesopotamia between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers....
Baghdad Battery - a mystery to mankindBaghdad Battery - a mystery to mankind
Baghdad Battery is the common name for several Artefacts found in the lands of ancient Mesopotamia, now known as Iraq....
Hypotheses about the secret of Baghdad BatteryHypotheses about the secret of Baghdad Battery
At the same time when the inhabitants of Mesopotamia, used batteries, the Chinese developed treatment through Acupuncture....
Humans are the Descendants of the Annunaki who Inhabited the Mysterious NibiruHumans are the Descendants of the Annunaki who Inhabited the Mysterious Nibiru
One of the tablets mentions that about 6000 years ago, a highly advanced civilization suddenly appeared literally out of nowhere on the territory of Mesopotamia....
The Underground City of Derinkuyu Hides Many SecretsThe Underground City of Derinkuyu Hides Many Secrets
However, historians support the theory that the city belonged to the Median kingdom, which spanned across Iran, Northern Mesopotamia and the eastern part of Asia Minor....
Citrine: the Gemstone of LuckCitrine: the Gemstone of Luck
In ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia, nobles wore it to protect themselves from snake venom. Our ancestors believed that this was the stone of luck....
Mysterious Ancient CitiesMysterious Ancient Cities
It is believed that the bizarre civilization emigrated to Asia Minor and Mesopotamia....
Archaeologists: Sumerians Communicated with ExtraterrestrialsArchaeologists: Sumerians Communicated with Extraterrestrials
According to them, in the 4th millennium B.C. in Mesopotamia, beings appeared from the planet Nibiru, which passes near the Earth every 3600 years....
An 800-Year-Old Cell Phone Proves the Existence of ExtraterrestrialsAn 800-Year-Old Cell Phone Proves the Existence of Extraterrestrials
The fact that the discovery with Sumerian symbols was unearthed in Austria is quite strange and suspicious, since their writing was characteristic of the Mesopotamian region....
The Greatest Villains in MythologyThe Greatest Villains in Mythology
Lamashtu The most terrifying female demon in the religion of Mesopotamia....
When the First Mall was Built and Other Little-Known Facts from AntiquityWhen the First Mall was Built and Other Little-Known Facts from Antiquity
When most people hear the word "Antiquity", they automatically think of Ancient Greece, Rome, Egypt, Persian, Mesopotamia, China and other great empires of the past....
See Which Dreams Foretell of DeathSee Which Dreams Foretell of Death
In Mesopotamia, they worshiped 2 patron gods of dreams: Nabu, who represented wisdom-bearing and peaceful dreams and Gilgamesh, who represented nightmares....
Dazzling Treasures of the Ancient City of NimrudDazzling Treasures of the Ancient City of Nimrud
They built massive palaces during that time, including the largest ziggurat in Mesopotamia and the royal palace, whose grandeur was so vast that it was even described in the Bible....
Bracelets Throughout the CenturiesBracelets Throughout the Centuries
The first bracelets date to around 2500 BC, worn by the Sumerians in South Mesopotamia....