
Many such churches have been found in the infamous lost city of the Incas, Machu Picchu....

So far they have only found that Inca have surpassed their conquerors in the art of opening skulls....

After many years of battles with Inca in 1572 the Spaniards attacked Vilkabamba and returned to the last Inca Tupac Amaro (successor and half brother of Manka) in Cuzco, Where he was executed....

It is theorized that the Incas used them as nose and ear decorations but the big mystery remains as to why they look so much like modern airplanes....

The Vilcabamba ancient city in Peru is known among archaeologists as the last refuge of the ruler of the empire of the Incas - Manco Inca Yupanqui, after the invasion of Spanish conquistadors....

The ancient Incas used specially hewn stones, which absorbed earthly vibrations, thereby making their buildings exceptionally stable./page...

Inca rituals were carried out in the heart of the empire, the victims were mostly young men and women. Thirty of the examined 33 bodies were women and they are young, they had reached age 15....


It's also believed to have belonged to the Ichma culture, which inhabited the region even before the Incas....

The Vilkabamba ancient city in Peru is known among archaeologists as the last refuge of the ruler of the Inca Empire - Manco Inca Yupanqui, after the invasion of the Spanish conquistadors....

Every time we hear about ancient civilizations in America, most of us immediately think of the Aztecs, Mayans and Incas....

Many of today's cultures owe their origins to the Incas and Mayans but this is rarely mentioned. The history books have never been updated, even with the emergence of so much new archaeological evidence....


Long before Inca they managed four kingdoms Nazca, Parakas, Kazma and Karan and yet with no plants were still able to calculate the passing time and seasons, and have built some of the oldest cities in the world....

From the European people, the Spanish first discovered emerald stones in South America and traded them to the Old Continent and Asia, but the Incas appreciated and used them long before that....

The Mayan, Aztec and Inca civilizations are the most famous of these cultures, and each has its own uniqueness and contribution to the world....