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The Craziest Guinness World RecordsThe Craziest Guinness World Records
26 May
The Guinness Book of World Records was created in the year 1955. For more than 6 decades, people have been trying to find all sorts of creative ways to be the best at something....
World Record: 13 Babies in the Womb of an Iraqi WomanWorld Record: 13 Babies in the Womb of an Iraqi Woman
11 Oct.
The current record holder for the most babies born at one time is the American Nadya Suleman, who gave birth to 8 at once....
Scientists Record a StarquakeScientists Record a Starquake
24 Oct.
NASA announced that they have recorded a magnetar starquake. A magnetar is a special type of neutron star, spinning very fast around its axis and having the most powerful magnetic field in the Universe....
Akashic RecordsAkashic Records
28 Mar.
Akashic records are protected by spiritual guardians that help us to get to our own records....
The Water in the World's Oceans is Acidifying at Record RatesThe Water in the World's Oceans is Acidifying at Record Rates
21 Nov.
The record paces, at which the world's oceans are acidifying, are only one of three factors that are a danger to it. It goes hand-in-hand with global warming and the decreasing levels of oxygen....
Your Birth Date Determines your FateYour Birth Date Determines your Fate
11 Dec.
The day we came into the wide world also marks and predetermines our life. According to Angela Pearl, a longtime astrologer and numerology expert, our date of birth is determinant of our fate and personality....
Your Talent According to your Birth DateYour Talent According to your Birth Date
15 May
According to numerology, the birth date is closely tied to the character of a person, their individuality and last but not least - their talents....
Birth in the Year of the SnakeBirth in the Year of the Snake
27 Mar.
At birth, are endowed with wisdom, but with introversion. They are often stingy and sometimes selfish. They believe only in their own judgment and are mindful of the hars judgments of others....
Your birth date’s influence over your destinyYour birth date’s influence over your destiny
27 June
Success awaits you in the world of creativity. It is important to understand what attracts you and to follow your dreams, just so you can succeed....
Old Chinese Woman Gives Birth to Stone BabyOld Chinese Woman Gives Birth to Stone Baby
04 June
An elderly woman from China shocked relatives and even herself, when she gave birth to a stone baby, report media....
Your Magic Gift According to your Birth DateYour Magic Gift According to your Birth Date
15 Oct.
From a numerology standpoint, our date of birth is no accident and besides fate, it can reveal the magical gifts we don't even suspect we possess....
Our Karmic Lesson Based on Our Birth DateOur Karmic Lesson Based on Our Birth Date
26 Aug.
July 22 - August 21 You need to learn to accept the world as it is and not try to change it according to your own wants....
Queen Nefertiti, from birth to her death bedQueen Nefertiti, from birth to her death bed
05 Aug.
1370 B.C was the year that saw Queen Neferiti be born into the world. Her name translated from Egyptian means the beautiful on has come. A kingdom in Mesopotamia held a king and queen, (Tushratta and Juni)....
See Photo of the Birth of a New PlanetSee Photo of the Birth of a New Planet
03 July
Astronomers from the European Southern Observatory have published their first photo of a newly formed planet. The beautiful image shows the formation of the planet around a dwarf star. The process was captured around...
Assyria - the First World EmpireAssyria - the First World Empire
02 July
Today there are about 600 000 Assyrians living in northern Iraq, with about another million scattered across the world....
The world relies on numbersThe world relies on numbers
03 July
The number of gravity is 21.76 mg, and the number of infinity is a huge equation that is the biggest in the world and is even in the Guinness Book of Records....
The Mysterious World of DreamsThe Mysterious World of Dreams
31 May
Mankind will not stop looking for hidden meanings of the strange and mysterious world of dreams....
UFO over the ancient worldUFO over the ancient world
19 May
The Pharaoh sent a message to the gods and ordered the case to be recorded in the annals, \" so it was read from the papyrus....
What the Gemstones Corresponding to our Month of Birth RevealWhat the Gemstones Corresponding to our Month of Birth Reveal
06 June
Opal helps women better deal with premenstrual syndrome and birth....
Risk of Disease Also Depends on your Month of BirthRisk of Disease Also Depends on your Month of Birth
25 June
The experts looked at the medical records of patients who were examined in the period 1985 - 2013....
A Miracle! An Indonesian Woman Gave Birth to a LizardA Miracle! An Indonesian Woman Gave Birth to a Lizard
21 June
The midwife, who was present at the birth, confirmed that the woman did indeed give birth to a small lizard, with the reptile having even been connected to the woman's womb with an umbilical cord....
The Most Suitable Talisman for you Based on Birth DateThe Most Suitable Talisman for you Based on Birth Date
12 Jan.
According to occult practitioners, it is one's birth date that is key when choosing amulets and other items that bring prosperity. See what they recommend, depending on birth date....
The Oldest Cities in the WorldThe Oldest Cities in the World
30 Aug.
Damascus, Syria Damascus has been recognized by some researchers as the earliest inhabited city in the world – since 10 000 BC....
Happy World UFO Day, Agent Mulder!Happy World UFO Day, Agent Mulder!
02 July
All those who believe that the truth is out there and that we're far from the only intelligent form of life in the Universe should celebrate today because for several years now July 2nd has been labeled as World UFO Day...