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Great Pyramid of CholulaGreat Pyramid of Cholula
24 June
Nowadays, the archaeological site of the Great Pyramid of Cholula is quite large. It covers 25 acres and is quite high. This makes it the largest base of any pyramid structure....
Are the pyramids work of aliens?Are the pyramids work of aliens?
16 Dec.
Along with the many theories about the origin of the Egyptian pyramids, there are those that believe the work of the Pyramids took place under the work of aliens....
Secrets of the Cheops pyramidSecrets of the Cheops pyramid
20 June
Among them stands one of the last survivors to this day wonders of the world, the Great Pyramid....
The Pyramid of the Niches - Place of Mysterious SmokeThe Pyramid of the Niches - Place of Mysterious Smoke
29 Nov.
It is known by many names, including Pyramid of Papantla, Temple of the Niches or simply El Tajín. The Pyramid of the Niches is unique....
Great Pyramid of Cholula - San Pedro CholulaGreat Pyramid of Cholula - San Pedro Cholula
30 Nov.
Mexican pyramids have no sharp peak, and have wide steps. On site, at the top of the pyramid, priests carried out their fire magic rituals. The interior of the pyramids served as tombs of kings and dignitaries....
Pyramids in honor of the pharaohs built in UkrainePyramids in honor of the pharaohs built in Ukraine
01 Mar.
No man who has never heard of Egyptian pyramids, in fact they were large tombs that were built in ancient times, the glory of Pharaohs....
Pyramids on MarsPyramids on Mars
30 Nov.
This could explain the origin of the pyramids, which are found in different corners of our planet, and their uniform shape with the Martian pyramids....
Ancient Egyptian PyramidsAncient Egyptian Pyramids
25 Feb.
The Pyramid of Giza and the \'step\' Pyramid are of the more special mentioned, there historical and archaeologial importance are of highest importance and two because of its chronologial importance....
Lost Chinese pyramidsLost Chinese pyramids
05 Dec.
The interest in Chinese pyramids significantly increased in 1994 with the publication of the book White Pyramid by Hartvig Hausdorff....
Ancient Pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacan, MexicoAncient Pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacan, Mexico
01 Dec.
The pyramid is actually a series of Pyramids built on each other....
Archeologists estimated the birthday of the Great PyramidArcheologists estimated the birthday of the Great Pyramid
16 Sept.
There is a proposal that the Great Pyramid which is one of the seven wonders of the world to be included in the emblem of Giza....
The Pyramids in BosniaThe Pyramids in Bosnia
02 Oct.
Indeed, the pyramids near Sarajevo are three – the Pyramid of the Sun, the Pyramid of the Dragon and the Pyramid of the Moon....
Mayan Civilization and PyramidsMayan Civilization and Pyramids
03 Aug.
However the main Pyramid of Cholula is very big, given a base covering 25 acres of land!...
Hidden Chamber Found in the Egyptian Bent Pyramid of SneferuHidden Chamber Found in the Egyptian Bent Pyramid of Sneferu
10 June
Scientists have scanned the area and obtained the first X-ray image of the Pyramid of Sneferu - one of the first pyramids built in Ancient Egypt....
35 Pyramids Discovered in Sudan35 Pyramids Discovered in Sudan
07 Nov.
The sizes of the pyramids vary from 23 ft (7 m) on the longest side to a pyramid of only 29.5″ (75 cm) on one side, most likely used for the burial of a child....
New pyramids found in EgyptNew pyramids found in Egypt
29 June
The ancient Egyptians probably chose that form of the tombs of their pyramids because of their solar religion....
How Large are the Egyptian Pyramids?How Large are the Egyptian Pyramids?
24 Nov.
The most famous pyramids in the world are located in the Giza necropolis on the outskirts of Cairo. These are the Pyramid of Khafre, the Pyramid of Khufu and the Pyramid of Menkaure....
Photographed: Pyramids Sending Rays into SpacePhotographed: Pyramids Sending Rays into Space
03 Feb.
The pyramids have always been one of the greatest mysteries of mankind....
The underwater pyramids in the BahamasThe underwater pyramids in the Bahamas
23 July
But then Ray Brown could not find the underwater pyramid, as many times as he tried to return to the same place. The pyramid of the Bahamas is most likely the long sought pyramid of Atlantis....
Ancient pyramid inaugurated in EgyptAncient pyramid inaugurated in Egypt
29 Nov.
Furthermore the foundation of a pyramid called 'pyramid number 29' near Sakar Necropolis was discovered and was famous for it alley of the sphinxes....
Japanese Underwater Pyramids dating back to 8000 B.C.Japanese Underwater Pyramids dating back to 8000 B.C.
26 Feb.
The oldest pyramid in Egypt (the step pyramid) was built over 5000 years later....
Nubian Pyramids - a worthy competitor to the EgyptianNubian Pyramids - a worthy competitor to the Egyptian
22 Jan.
The number of Pyramids in ancient Nubia (now Sudan), boast a total of 223 pyramids located in Kermen, Napa, Nuri, Naga and Meroe, which is more than twice the pyramids in neighboring Egypt....
Bosnian pyramids, a phenomenon or a human action?Bosnian pyramids, a phenomenon or a human action?
05 Oct.
Hence the Pyramid of the Moon is described as the climbing pyramid, unlike the pyramid of the Sun, whose sides are flat....
Who was it that actually built the pyramids?Who was it that actually built the pyramids?
31 Aug.
More evidence shows of extra – terrestrial helpings of the construction of these perfect pyramids. Early photographs of Mars shows that it's surface looked that familiar to pyramid like monuments....
Ancient Statue is Twice as Old as the PyramidsAncient Statue is Twice as Old as the Pyramids
12 Sept.
The latest analyses reveal that it is 11 000 years old or twice as old as the pyramids in Egypt. The idol is massive, more than 16 ft (5 m) tall....