

Looking for information on Myths? Check out our latest articles on Myths.
Ancient Egyptian MythsAncient Egyptian Myths
Its myths have different versions, different characters and locations, but the meaning of a story remains unchanged. This article lists the most famous ancient Egyptian myths....
Fascinating Myths about LeprechaunsFascinating Myths about Leprechauns
It's that day again - March 17, when the Irish celebrate the day honoring their patron St. Patrick. In this regard, we've decided to share a few stunning facts about leprechauns, which are said to bring money and good...
Dinosaur Myths you Probably BelieveDinosaur Myths you Probably Believe
Here are the biggest busted dinosaur myths: Not all reptiles were scaly Dinosaurs were related to today's lizards and crocodiles but were a lot more scaly....
Five Myths about Genghis KhanFive Myths about Genghis Khan
Myth 4 - The Mongols' success was due to their vast army According to McLynn, this is the biggest myth about Genghis Khan....
Maundy Thursday - Myths and TraditionsMaundy Thursday - Myths and Traditions
According to the Bible, Jesus Christ was caught at the Garden of Gethsemane during prayer. Easter eggs are traditionally dyed on this day. The Last Supper was held on the night of Maundy Thursday, when Jesus predicted...
Facts and Myths about VampiresFacts and Myths about Vampires
This is just a myth and nothing more. Vampires die if a stake is driven through their heart. This is also false....
The most famous Greek mythsThe most famous Greek myths
The myth of Prometheus is one of the most famous Greek myths. He gave people fire, but the gods punished him - nailed him to a rock and every day an eagle came and pecked his liver out....
Myths we do not knowMyths we do not know
Absolute myth is that lightning does not strike twice in the same place....
The Inquisition - Facts, Myths and TruthsThe Inquisition - Facts, Myths and Truths
The very word Inquisition evokes a sense of evil, torture and fear. Even if you know what it is or have only heard the term, you are sure to make the right association. In fact, the Inquisition is a unit created by the...
Myths About the Zodiac Signs DebunkedMyths About the Zodiac Signs Debunked
Aquarius Myth: They are cold. Fact: The heart of an Aquarius isn't made of stone, they are loving and caring, as long as you win them over once....
Ancient Myths Based on Real EventsAncient Myths Based on Real Events
The Thunderbirds One of the most popular Indian myths is that of the Thunderbirds, which would save members of the tribes from monstrous whales....
Myths, Legends and Facts about the MoonMyths, Legends and Facts about the Moon
Old or young myths and legends of the moon are still admired today!...
The False Myths About the Life of CleopatraThe False Myths About the Life of Cleopatra
This had led to several myths that are untrue about the life of the Egyptian ruler....
Pyrokinesis - Myth or Reality?Pyrokinesis - Myth or Reality?
Pyrokinesis is the ability for a person to be able to control fire solely with their mind. This includes ignition, intensifying and diminishing flames without using any type of device. The word "pyrokinesis" is of Greek...
Mermaids - Myth or Reality?Mermaids - Myth or Reality?
Do mermaids, unicorns, dragons, fairies and elves really exist? Many claim that these are products of the imagination, but some stories refute the existence of "mythical" mermaids. Decide for yourself... In 1830...
Mermaids - myth or reality?Mermaids - myth or reality?
Are there mermaids, unicorns, dragons, fairies and elves? Many argue that this contraption is nonsense, but some stories have rebutted the existence of mythical creatures. In the year of 1830 the locals of the Isle of...