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Egyptian Pyramids

Looking for information on Egyptian Pyramids? Check out our latest articles on Egyptian Pyramids.
Ancient Egyptian PyramidsAncient Egyptian Pyramids
Ancient Egyptian Pyramids The Pyramid of Abu Sir hold equally remarkable pieces of architecture. Out of fourteen only four remain. They are now open to the tourists not like in past times....
Nubian Pyramids - a worthy competitor to the EgyptianNubian Pyramids - a worthy competitor to the Egyptian
Groundwater Tombs in Nubian pyramids are also richly decorated, like Egyptian style but not all pyramids in Nubia are monuments of kings, as evidenced by their large numbers....
Dispelled are the myths that slaves built the Egyptian pyramidsDispelled are the myths that slaves built the Egyptian pyramids
Egyptian pyramids were not built by slaves but by workers....
Hidden Chamber Found in the Egyptian Bent Pyramid of SneferuHidden Chamber Found in the Egyptian Bent Pyramid of Sneferu
During excavations inside the Egyptian Pyramid of Sneferu, French archaeologists discovered a secret chamber. It was found below one of the pyramid's empty spaces using a so-called muon scanner....
New pyramids found in EgyptNew pyramids found in Egypt
Donald Redford is one of the researchers of the Egyptian pyramids. He believes that the Egyptians began to raise immediately pyramids around 2700 BC and it lasted a thousand years until 1700 BC....
Are the pyramids work of aliens?Are the pyramids work of aliens?
Along with the many theories about the origin of the Egyptian pyramids, there are those that believe the work of the Pyramids took place under the work of aliens....
Who was it that actually built the pyramids?Who was it that actually built the pyramids?
One theory is that the Egyptians took help from an extra – terrestrial race, this would explain the large and precise construction of these pyramids....
Ancient Egyptian InventionsAncient Egyptian Inventions
Some of these inventions are Pyramids: The word has become fascinated with the pyramids and tombs of the Egyptian pharaohs and the Structures of ancient Egypt....
Ancient Pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacan, MexicoAncient Pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacan, Mexico
Pyramids and other structures are cascade, but not with smooth walls as the Egyptian pyramids, and the stones used to construct them are not as large as those in the pyramids at Giza....
Secrets of the Cheops pyramidSecrets of the Cheops pyramid
"Everything fears time, time fears the pyramids." This thought strikes each stood before the grandeur of the Egyptian pyramids. The most amazing buildings in human history were built approximately around 4600 years ago....
Pyramids on MarsPyramids on Mars
The pictures obtained from space cameras clearly show numerous large objects with conical and pyramidal shape that resemble the Egyptian and Mexican pyramids....
Alexander the Great and ancient EgyptAlexander the Great and ancient Egypt
Egyptian pharaohs were considered gods on earth and massive pyramids, temples and monuments were erected to express their glory....
Pyramids in honor of the pharaohs built in UkrainePyramids in honor of the pharaohs built in Ukraine
No man who has never heard of Egyptian pyramids, in fact they were large tombs that were built in ancient times, the glory of Pharaohs....
Egyptian Tombs to disappear in 150 yearsEgyptian Tombs to disappear in 150 years
Egyptian experts have alerted. The reason for their worry is that the climatic conditions over the years have had and continue to have a detrimental effect on the pyramids....
Discovered, the mummy of Queen SesheshetDiscovered, the mummy of Queen Sesheshet
The Queen ruled the Egyptian empire 4, 300 years ago. The body of Pharaoh was found recently in the open Pyramid in Sahara, reported the famous historian and Egyptologist Dr. Zahi Hawass....
The Strangest Tombs Ever DiscoveredThe Strangest Tombs Ever Discovered
An Ancient Egyptian Romance In 2013, scientists discovered a tomb near the Egyptian city of Saqqara that was literally transformed into a monument dedicated to the love between Meritisis, a priestess of the god Ra, and...