»Articles»Egyptian Pyramids


Groundwater Tombs in Nubian pyramids are also richly decorated, like Egyptian style but not all pyramids in Nubia are monuments of kings, as evidenced by their large numbers....

Egyptian pyramids were not built by slaves but by workers....

During excavations inside the Egyptian Pyramid of Sneferu, French archaeologists discovered a secret chamber. It was found below one of the pyramid's empty spaces using a so-called muon scanner....

Donald Redford is one of the researchers of the Egyptian pyramids. He believes that the Egyptians began to raise immediately pyramids around 2700 BC and it lasted a thousand years until 1700 BC....





"Everything fears time, time fears the pyramids." This thought strikes each stood before the grandeur of the Egyptian pyramids. The most amazing buildings in human history were built approximately around 4600 years ago....

The pictures obtained from space cameras clearly show numerous large objects with conical and pyramidal shape that resemble the Egyptian and Mexican pyramids....

Egyptian pharaohs were considered gods on earth and massive pyramids, temples and monuments were erected to express their glory....

No man who has never heard of Egyptian pyramids, in fact they were large tombs that were built in ancient times, the glory of Pharaohs....

Egyptian experts have alerted.
The reason for their worry is that the climatic conditions over the years have had and continue to have a detrimental effect on the pyramids....

The Queen ruled the Egyptian empire 4, 300 years ago. The body of Pharaoh was found recently in the open Pyramid in Sahara, reported the famous historian and Egyptologist Dr. Zahi Hawass....

An Ancient Egyptian Romance
In 2013, scientists discovered a tomb near the Egyptian city of Saqqara that was literally transformed into a monument dedicated to the love between Meritisis, a priestess of the god Ra, and...