
Pharaoh in Ancient Egypt
Pharaoh is a title of the ruler in ancient Egypt, which in translation means a palace, a big house....

A fossil belonging to a 33 ft (10 m) dinosaur was unearthed in Egypt. The creature roamed today's desert 80 million years ago.
The unique fossil was discovered in an oasis in Egypt's Saharan desert....

Pyramids in Egypt increased by 17. Infrared satellite images found buried pyramids, 1000 new tombs and 3000 ancient settlements....

South of Cairo in ancient Necropolis there opened a pyramid of fives meters in height which dated back to the XXIV century BC, so the Ministry of culture in Egypt cited by the AFP informs....

After a series of savage defeats Alexander the Great was ready to go against ancient Egypt: one of the greatest empires known to the world....

Disclosed personally from Egypt's leading archaeologist and director of the Egyptian Supreme Council for the monuments of antiquity, Dr. Zahi Hawass....


In 150 years time, the Tombs of the Ancient Pharaohs and Emblems of Egypt will be erased from the world maps. Egyptian experts have alerted....

According to data of Egyptologists, there were an estimated 70 million animals mummified in ancient Egypt....

To ensure the security of Egypt, Cleopatra enticed Caesar to keep him in the country. Egypt remained independent but 3 Roman legions remained to watch over it....

Killing a cat in Egypt was punishable by death. During the war between Persia and Egypt, Cambyses king of Persia ordered his soldiers to tie cats to their shields....

Scientists have scanned the area and obtained the first X-ray image of the Pyramid of Sneferu - one of the first pyramids built in Ancient Egypt....

Christina went to Egypt to be assured of a place in her visions.
She recognizes many places, particularly in upper Egypt, Luxor and Memphis, where she then lived as Christina Neferet-Athos....

This monolithic document was created in 196 BC by King Ptolemy V, the ruler of Egypt at the time....

They continued to be used in Egypt until around 400 AD, then they were replaced by Koptik....