

Looking for information on June? Check out our latest articles on June.
Numerology Prognosis for JuneNumerology Prognosis for June
To find out what numerology has in store for you for the month of June, you need to calculate your personal number. It is the sum of the date, month and year of your birth. Keep adding up the digits until you get a single...
Your Horoscope for June 16Your Horoscope for June 16
A wonderful day lies ahead of you, one that will help you reassess your life's experience. You're going to think over all rational plans for the future. Your communication with coworkers is heading in an entirely constructive...
Weekly Horoscope Until June 15thWeekly Horoscope Until June 15th
This week, Neptune becomes retrograde in Pisces, Mercury continues its backward motion in Cancer, and a tense square will form between Mars, Uranus and Pluto. On Friday, the full moon is in the sign of...
Your Weekly Horoscope Until June 17Your Weekly Horoscope Until June 17
This week we're going to be under the influence of Gemini. The Sun and Mercury are already traveling through the air sign, while the New Moon phase will occur in Gemini this week as well. As such, the period will...
Your Horoscope for Today - June 8Your Horoscope for Today - June 8
Venus in Gemini is in a tense opposition with retrograde Saturn in Sagittarius, which will increase our need for comfort and security. Our dreams may also run into great limitations. Aries - Your enthusiasm for...
Your Horoscope for Today - June 7Your Horoscope for Today - June 7
The tense aspect between the Sun in Gemini and Jupiter in Virgo advise us to be more meticulous when making career-based decisions because there's a possibility of making huge mistakes. Conflicts with our bosses are possible...
Your Horoscope for Today - June 6Your Horoscope for Today - June 6
The positive conjunction between Venus and the Sun in Gemini is going to serve us up some very good news today but the tense aspect of Venus with retrograde Pluto in Capricorn will make us doubt our choices in love...
Your Horoscope for Today - June 3Your Horoscope for Today - June 3
The opposition of the Sun and Saturn that will occur in the early hours of the day brings negative energy. Try to steer clear of pessimism. The day will be loaded with serious thoughts and powerful emotions. The square...
Your Horoscope for Today - June 2Your Horoscope for Today - June 2
The Sun in Gemini and Jupiter in Virgo today form a tense square that advises us not to be excessively stubborn because we may miss very good opportunities. Aries - Close friends may ask you for a favor today...
Your Daily Horoscope for June 9Your Daily Horoscope for June 9
Today, there's going to be a Full Moon in Sagittarius, provoking us to forget about limits of any kind. Things are going to go in the desired direction but you're going to have to wait for the bigger achievements....
Your Horoscope for Today – June 30Your Horoscope for Today – June 30
Mercury will begin moving through Cancer today, which will provoke more emotional communication. The luck of many zodiac signs will be unlocked because Mars leaves its retrograde phase in Scorpio today. Aries...
Your Horoscope for Today – June 29Your Horoscope for Today – June 29
The aspect between Venus in Cancer and retrograde Neptune in Pisces will encourage us to seek forgiveness or forgive another person ourselves. The day will be successful for people with creative professions because they'll...
Your Horoscope for Today – June 28Your Horoscope for Today – June 28
Venus in Cancer and retrograde Pluto in Capricorn form a tense opposition that will unlock long suppressed anger, jealousy and differences between expectations and reality. Aries - You'll be afraid to reveal...