Venus in Cancer and retrograde Pluto in Capricorn form a tense opposition that will unlock long suppressed anger, jealousy and differences between expectations and reality.
Aries - You'll be afraid to reveal your real intentions in front of others today because you feel vulnerable and think that your integrity might be hurt. But by keeping quiet, you're only going to accumulate frustration within yourself that you won't be able to keep hidden for long. Try to avoid huge conflicts because they won't bring you anything positive.
Taurus - Even casual conversations are going to turn into heated arguments today. Even though you're just trying to express your viewpoint, you won't be able to find the right words and this will embitter a lot of people around you. Even though it's against your nature to keep your opinion to yourself, try to do so today.

Gemini - Differences in viewpoints are going to disrupt the harmony throughout the day. Your opinion won't be met with applause and you'll even have to vehemently defend it. Don't be excessively impulsive, instead rely on confirmed facts during arguments. Forget about your stubbornness today, try to understand the other point of view as well.
Cancer - Even though you're not a conflicting type of person, it'll be difficult for you to restrain your emotions before the obnoxious people around you today. In order for your admonition to be spot on, think carefully about what you're going to say beforehand and rely on your reasoning, not your emotions, which won't be leading you down the right path today.
Leo - You won't be lacking any confidence today and you're going to work the way you feel like without listening to others. But your behavior will be seen as a sort of boastfulness, which your coworkers won't look well upon. If you stubbornly cling to your view, you're going to bring in additional conflicts to your team.
Virgo - Conflicts with coworkers are possible today, which will make you upset. It'll be easier for you to resolve conflicts with others if you avoid expressing yourself sharply and are more tactful with your words toward others. Ease your anxiety today with more walks out in nature and meditation.
Libra - Working together with a coworker or friend today will unnerve you. Don't keep your opinion to yourself because others will see your silence as a vote of confidence and act according to their plan, without standing up for your interests. Don't run away from the big debates but don't create huge conflicts that will smolder for months either.
Scorpio - You're going to need more patience and consistency to deal with the challenges today. Troubles from the past may reappear today. Don't try to suppress them, instead face them boldly and try to overcome them.

Sagittarius - You'll share whatever's weighing on your soul without worrying about others' opinions. Even though you don't see anything wrong with your words, they're not going to be accepted positively by others. With your actions you may hurt someone else's feelings and then feel tremendous remorse, so try to be more tactful today.
Capricorn - You'll prefer to hide your vulnerable spots today because you're going to have the feeling that you're surrounded by people who want to take advantage of you. The circumstances are going to anger you but try to remain composed and don't do anything hasty because it will cost you dearly. Share your worries only with trusted people.
Aquarius - Today you're going to have a strong need to share your opinion with others and get advice about your doubts. Through your desire to satisfy your own interests you may hurt someone else's. Consider carefully whether your wish is worth the time and effort because you're going to have to fight for it.
Pisces - It'll be hard for you to be objective when it comes to feelings, while very few people will stand on your side of the argument today. This will provoke you uncertainty. But don't give yourself over to negative emotions, instead seek out friends who will provide you the needed support and motivation.