Today, the Moon in Libra forms a tense aspect with retrograde Pluto in Capricorn, which will provoke manipulation and attempts at control. Others will want to protect their inner world even more guardedly.
Aries - Today you'll want to reveal your deep, dark secrets to your loved ones but this idea won't turn out to be so good because you may say something that will offend others. It's better to keep silent about certain subjects and think before you speak.
Taurus - Your emotions today are going to be unstable and this will affect your entire day because you're going to succumb to feelings more easily than reason. You're going to easily lose your nerve but try not to rush when it comes to the important decisions, instead consult with a more sober-minded person.
Gemini - Expect obstacles in the way of your plans today but this doesn't mean that you should turn your back on your intentions. Display a bit more flexibility and try to resolve the problems. Come up with a strategy beforehand and don't let yourself be affected by the pessimism of someone around you. Trust your own ideas and make plans for the future.
Cancer - You have a great desire to be among your loved ones at home but your obligations at work won't allow you a break. Conflicts are possible at work due to nasty comments. But don't get into unnecessary arguments, give way and focus on your own plans.

Leo - You'll manage to complete your plans today and all without investing too much effort. The confidence that you can handle any and all difficulties will help you move forward. Just watch out for people who want to pull you into their fantastical plans, which are not well-thought-out.
Virgo - To complete your goals today you'll have to adapt toward others. But be careful what you compromise with and do not overlook your own interests in the name of the common good under any circumstances. Others will be fascinated by your ability to adapt.
Libra - Stick by your principles today, even though others will provoke you to break the rules. Don't rush to make decisions because reckless actions will cost you your harmony and peace. Control your anger and be careful what you say, even if your fury is justified.
Scorpio - Your curiosity toward others' secrets will be stronger than ever today and may upset them. Don't be surprised if others avoid you if you ask them a question. Even though your honesty is impressive, try to be a bit more tactful today as well.
Sagittarius - Distance yourself from the pessimists today because they will prevent you from seeing the opportunities for realizing your plans. Even if some of their points of advice are worth considering, don't listen to them today because they will only worsen your negativism. Don't ruin your mood and try to find the fun in your day.

Capricorn - Today you'll be angry at people who aren't following the work schedule but are constantly getting distracted. But spare them the admonitions that come to mind and instead try to help the coworkers or loved ones that aren't focusing on the important things. Good communication will lead you to successes in both your personal life and your career.
Aquarius - You'll lose your confidence today and this will stop you from realizing your plans. But don't expect someone to come out of the blue and make your dreams a reality. Find the strength within yourself and realize your ideas. Today you can forget about the past that's continuing to influence your decisions.
Pisces - Today you'll be more talkative than usual and will try to fill the void of silence at all costs. But your never-ending conversations won't have a positive effect on your relationships with others and you may create a false impression of yourself. Be more sparing with your words and you won't have any problems with others.