The position of the Moon in Capricorn and Jupiter in Virgo will make us more likely to seek the advice of more experienced people before we make a decision. Throughout the day we'll be inspired by individuals with great authority.
Aries - If you don't control your emotions today you're going to be on your way to ruining even your best ideas. These ideas might truly be amazing but if you're not more diplomatic when speaking with coworkers and those around you, you're not going to realize them successfully. Don't make big promises today because the chances of you keeping them is slim.
Taurus - You're going to have to take the initiative if you'd like for your plans to happen the way you've planned. Be careful, consider all the options before you make a final decision. Once you take the decisive step, you're not going to be able to go back, so don't rush.

Gemini - Be specific with your words and don't create expectations that you'd find it difficult to carry out. Keep to your rational side so you don't ruin the good impression of yourself. You have the opportunity to begin work on a big project today, for which you'll have to rely on your communication skills. Focus on one goal in order to complete it successfully.
Cancer - Today you're going to have to say goodbye to some of your illusions, which will turn out to be unachievable. But don't lose faith in your dreams, just pick out the ones you can reach right now. This will stimulate you more and prevent you from wasting your energy on false hope.
Leo - Your strength today will lie in working as part of a team, you can even be the leader of the group without a problem. You'll have good ideas for bringing innovation to the projects you're working on and will succeed in motivating others around you. You'll easily impose your viewpoint, while others will follow you without resisting.

Virgo - Today you're going to need solid discipline in order to handle your tasks. Follow the path of logic if you have to make important decisions and don't allow emotions to mislead you. Concentrate on your most important tasks and don't let anything distract you. If you follow the rules and standards of the setting you're working in, the day will be a successful one.
Libra - Avoid sharing your travel plans today if you still have not taken any steps toward them. Words in vain will cost you dearly, especially if you share them with a large group of people. Even though you're in the mood for adventures, curb your enthusiasm for now and get to the important tasks at work. You'll be thankful later for your sparing of words.
Scorpio - You have the urge to dedicate your entire day to figuring out the universe's mysteries but you won't be able to find a person to do your job while you busy yourself with the fundamental questions of human existence. It's time to be more serious and build solid foundations on which to rely on in the future.

Sagittarius - Your ideas will be properly recognized at the workplace today and you'll be able to impose your arguments on the issues important to you. You just need to be more diplomatic and keep your cool in conflicting situations. Conversations today will stimulate your creativity.
Capricorn - Be careful with your expenses today and don't spend unless it's absolutely necessary. Focus on your work, as it can improve your financial situation. Use your intuition and experience when making decisions and you won't make mistakes.
Aquarius - You have serious responsibilities, which won't allow your mind to wander today. Focus on your urgent tasks and spend the majority of your time at work, in order to avoid severe problems in the future. Even if some of your tasks seem hard to carry out, don't give up before you've tried.
Pisces - Your ambitions for success will grow today but you're not going to realize them without the collaboration of coworkers or friends. Others around you will help you differentiate between your fantasies and reality and thus protect you from severe mistakes. Don't become the victim of excessive optimism because you'll regret it later.