The tense aspect that the Moon forms with Neptune portends of problems at the workplace for representatives of the air signs, while the presence of Mercury in Gemini will further strain the situation at work, which is why we advise Geminis, Libras and Aquarians to avoid signing any important documents and any big deals.
Aries - Your day will be loaded with obligations that will grow ever more serious as it progresses. Expect a call from an old friend you haven't seen in years. The news they will give you are much more important and exciting than they seem at first glance.
Taurus - Today all of your attention will be devoted to career and work. New opportunities for realization will emerge and only whether you react quick enough will you be able to take advantage of them or miss them once again. But before you jump headfirst into the unknown, carefully weigh all the pros and cons.
Gemini - Perhaps it's time to focus more of your attention on your family and especially the kids, which you've been ignoring lately because of work. There is a possibility of you receiving an intriguing new job offer, which may turn out to be the opportunity you've been waiting for all your life. Forget about your inner battles and step boldly forward.
Cancer - Small issues at home have the bad habit of turning into complete disasters and today will be the day you decide whether to remodel your home completely or put it up for sale and look for a new place to live. It's important you do the math and realize that you won't fix things (in fact you'll worsen them) if you just do minor remodeling.
Leo - You're going to receive an irresistible business partnership offer, which you have to consider very carefully. Yes there's a catch in the offer but even then it's a good one and it's worth giving it a chance. Keep an eye on your documents because you're unusually distracted today and may lose something important.

Virgo - The investments you've made recently have turned out to be successful and now you have all the right to enjoy the fruits of your labor and your vision. Perhaps it's time to stop working so hard and try to relax in a comfortable setting away from civilization and its problems.
Libra - The stars are categorical that today you'll meet a partner but refuse to specify whether they're talking about a business partner or your soulmate. Your intuition is particularly strong and will protect you from the wrong decisions, while the common sense you've been gifted with will protect you from reckless actions.
Scorpio - Your mind is busy with all of the tasks you've been putting off until today. You may have to work a bit late today, in order to handle the entire workload, plus you won't even have time for fun and hanging out with friends. Still, your efforts won't go unnoticed and your boss will soon give you a truly responsible task, to see what you're capable of.
Sagittarius - One of your best friends will call you today to ask for your advice. Surprisingly, at the end of the conversation you'll hear yourself offering them money, something which is not typical of you. But don't worry about it, because they'll pay you back, and soon. Non-single representatives of the sign may get pleasantly surprised by a romantic gesture from their partner.
Capricorn - You're devoting all of your attention to work and career to compensate for the fact that things aren't going so well in the personal aspect. You're advised to get off work a little earlier and go somewhere with friends to change things up. Good news will elevate your mood tonight.
Aquarius - You've abandoned your education, as you're spending more and more time at the workplace and there's a danger of the money spent so far going to waste. Try to find the balance between work, personal life and rest because there's a danger of you blowing a gasket very soon from all the stress.
Pisces - As usual you're simultaneously dealing with 1000 things that are halfway done and they're waiting for your inspiration so that you can finish them. Your creative disorganization, which usually brings you dividends, may play a bad joke on you today and make you looks sloppy and lazy, instead of a creative and brave person of the arts.