Current events feel like Deja Vu
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Hello! I do not know whether what I’m gonna tell you is just a dream or a mystery, but it does not matter.
This happens to me almost every day. For example- today I was in an German language class and had to write something like an essay and just started writing, when suddenly I saw a picture in my mind as if it had already happened. Like I've seen that before. I can not describe it exactly, but similar things happen to me quite often. For several seconds I get in mind a feeling that what is happening at the moment, I have experienced before.
If someone has some similar experiences, please share because I find it very interesting.
This happens to me almost every day. For example- today I was in an German language class and had to write something like an essay and just started writing, when suddenly I saw a picture in my mind as if it had already happened. Like I've seen that before. I can not describe it exactly, but similar things happen to me quite often. For several seconds I get in mind a feeling that what is happening at the moment, I have experienced before.
If someone has some similar experiences, please share because I find it very interesting.

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