»Choosen Collections»Hindu Dream Teeth Prediction
Losing teeth in your dreams portends misfortune
To dream that your teeth fall out, you expect misfortunes....
Miller's Dream Dictionary for Predicting the Future
Miller's dream dictionary was created by German psychiatrist Gustavus Miller, who studied dreams....
Hindu mythology presents the world as a dream of the god Vishnu
The man wanted to become a healer and one night dreamed a dream in which he saw his body raise....
Dream your teeth fall out or are cracked? What does this mean?Dreams where your teeth fall out are perhaps the most common dreams in general....
Blavatsky Predictions
Released in print in 1888, the "Secret Doctrine" of Helena Blavatsky occupies an absolutely unique place in the history of human thought. Rejected...
Pavel Globa's predictions
Famous Russian astrologer and prophet Pavel Globa is famous for predicting the collapse of the Soviet Union, end of the era of Fidel Castro, Putin...
George Washington and his Legendary Wooden Teeth
According to an American urban legend, President George Washington had wooden teeth....
The Most Inaccurate Technological Predictions
Here's a list of the most inaccurate predictions related to technology....
Movie Predictions That Came True
The film is a prediction come true of the cyber attacks we witness today....
The 7-Year-Old Indian Girl with 202 Teeth
A 7-year-old Indian girl stunned dentists in New Delhi after they found a record 202 teeth in her mouth....
Petar Deunov - History, Predictions and Facts
Peter Deunov makes a number of predictions, showing his prophetic skills....
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