»Choosen Collections»Dream Interpretation Hindu Mythology
Hindu mythology presents the world as a dream of the god Vishnu
The man wanted to become a healer and one night dreamed a dream in which he saw his body raise....
Interpretation of Dreams in ChristianityBiblical Interpretation of Dreams
Many civilizations around the world over centuries have taken their dream interpretations and used it to control...
The Correct Interpretations of the Most Scandalous Erotic Dreams
- if you dream that you're in the body of a person of the opposite sex, don't worry, the dream isn't an indication of homosexual tendencies....
Mythology: gorgons forever on 21
Gorgons are one of the most hideous and bloodthirsty creatures in Greek mythology....
The Greatest Villains in Mythology
In later Greek mythology she is sometimes described as a beautiful woman....
Mythology: The Rise and Fall of Babylon
Babylon is the oldest city in the world. It is away from Euphrates River and at that time was an important city of Draper. It is also becoming a center...
Mythology: The Rise and Fall of Babylon
Babylon is the oldest city in the world. It was on the other side of the Euphrates River and was an important manufacturing town at the time. It...
The meaning of moles in mytologyThe size and color of moles are also important and they hint at the future of a human being....
Do dreams affect our decisions?
Doctors note that in different cultures the same dream may have different interpretations....
Why Do We Dream?
Dreams are important to our real life.
Learn also how to control our dreams and how to remember our dreams....
Sigmund Freud's Dream Dictionary
Here are some of the most commonly seen images and their basic interpretation based on psychoanalysis....
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