»Dream Dictionary»Tigers in Dream Meaning Hindu
TigersIf you get attacked by tigers in your sleep, you will have a bitter enemy.......
TigerDreaming of a small tiger , suggests that you should avoid someone.......2
LionTo dream that a lion is in a cage, means you will take to high society and will enjoy social prestige.......1
LionIf you dream that you are in a cell with lions , you will parttake in high society, will enjoy social prestige.......
Fighting LionIf you prevail over the lion , suggests you will win.......
Mountain lionIf a Mountain lion attacks you in your dream, you will have need of protection or assistance.......1
Black lionIf you see a black lion in a dream, you have began with your great deeds and plans.......6
LION CUBSee you in your dream a lion cub paw or footprint, you will have to conform to others' opinions and tolerate foreign...
In loveIf you see lovers in your dream, it means that your relationship in the family will be strengthened and you will mak...
In-lawsIf you dream of your in -laws - you will worry, if you talk to them – danger is lurking.......
break inDreaming of a break in at your house, then you have to protect your dreams at your place of work, but also to care......
Father in law, mother in lawTo dream of your mother or father in law, predicts that you may have a quarrel in the family and problems at home......3
Sister-in-lawTo dream that you have a sister- in -law, means you expect problems in the family.......1
Hole in ceilingTo dream of an hole in the ceiling, means you will take money from a loan.......
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