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Over 5000 Languages to Disappear by the Year 2115Over 5000 Languages to Disappear by the Year 2115
12 Jan.
They've estimated that by then, of the approximately 6000 languages spoken on Earth, more than 5000 will have disappeared....
Immortality Will be Possible by Uploading our Brains Into ComputersImmortality Will be Possible by Uploading our Brains Into Computers
13 Oct.
Scientists believe they'll be able to use technological singularity in the future to convert a person's brain into digital data and upload it into an exceptionally powerful computer....
Egyptian Tombs to disappear in 150 yearsEgyptian Tombs to disappear in 150 years
12 Sept.
In 150 years time, the Tombs of the Ancient Pharaohs and Emblems of Egypt will be erased from the world maps. Egyptian experts have alerted. The reason for their worry is that the climatic conditions over the years have...
Scientists Connect Monkey Brains to a ComputerScientists Connect Monkey Brains to a Computer
25 Aug.
Nicolelis and his colleagues connected the brains of 3 monkeys to a computer, with the movements of a robotic hand being transmitted to the monitor in real time....
Popular Phrases Given to us by AntiquityPopular Phrases Given to us by Antiquity
07 Nov.
In our daily lives we all use expressions, sometimes unconsciously, that have become deeply seated in our culture. Often though, we have no idea where and how these originated from. Have you ever thought about where the...
Ship-Eating Bacteria to Make the Titanic Disappear in 20 YearsShip-Eating Bacteria to Make the Titanic Disappear in 20 Years
25 May
According to scientific tests, the now legendary ship Titanic will completely disappear within the next 20 years. The reason is little-known to science bacteria that live on the sea bottom and feed on rust....
Which Languages Will Soon Disappear?Which Languages Will Soon Disappear?
29 Sept.
According to linguists, half of the languages that exist will disappear by the year 2050. Linguistics professor Peter K....
What We Need to Finish by the End of 2014What We Need to Finish by the End of 2014
08 Oct.
According to the Eastern calendar, the coming 2015 will be the year of the Blue Wooden Goat, which will not have a positive influence on certain aspects of life. From an astrological standpoint, several crisis events are...
What To Do If You Are Haunted by Bad LuckWhat To Do If You Are Haunted by Bad Luck
30 Oct.
Each of us has faced bad luck and its consequences. Whether it's a bad day or a bad period, sometimes things just don't work out, no matter how much we want them to. The good thing about bad luck is that it is temporary...
How We Bring Bad Karma to Ourselves by Spreaking NegativelyHow We Bring Bad Karma to Ourselves by Spreaking Negatively
26 Feb.
The concept of karma is a fundamental belief in many spiritual and religious traditions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism. It is the idea that every action we take, both good and bad, has a consequence...
Predictions of What`s to Come by the Year 2050Predictions of What`s to Come by the Year 2050
11 May
The future is an unpredictable notion. But not always. There are many ways, although quite laborious, that can show us what we can expect in the near and far future. Predicting what will happen is no easy task considering...
Stephen Hawking to be Buried by Isaac Newton`s GraveStephen Hawking to be Buried by Isaac Newton`s Grave
23 Mar.
Stephen Hawking's ashes are to be buried in Westminster Abbey. Ergo, one of the greatest minds of our time will find eternal rest near Isaac Newton and Charles Darwin. The funeral proper of the world-famous British...
New Computers Can Erase Thoughts Without us KnowingNew Computers Can Erase Thoughts Without us Knowing
05 May
Several medical experiments have already been able to connect part of the human brain of a paralyzed person with a computer, allowing them to stimulate muscles in their hand and enabling them to move and eat....
A Computer Passes the Turing TestA Computer Passes the Turing Test
01 July
The principle of the test is as follows: a person communicates with 2 participants - a computer and a human....
The Trick Used By Military Servicemen to Fall Asleep in 2 Min.The Trick Used By Military Servicemen to Fall Asleep in 2 Min.
07 Sept.
Insufficient sleep causes a number of health problems, including diabetes, heart attack and stroke. Quality sleep is among the most important things you can get and if you're suffering from insomnia, a trick used...
Experts: Part of Europe to Become Desert by End of the CenturyExperts: Part of Europe to Become Desert by End of the Century
03 Nov.
A new study alarms that global warming is in the process of disrupting the functionality of the Mediterranean region, which is going to cause unprecedented drought and heat waves, unlike anything seen in the past 10 000 years...
Talismans by Star SignTalismans by Star Sign
07 Jan.
A Talisman is an object that brings good luck, but must be chosen with caution. It should be suitable for your type of energy. If it happens that you desire an object without explanation, it is most likely that this is...
Divination by menstrual cycleDivination by menstrual cycle
07 Dec.
There is a belief that the day of the week, date and even the time of day in which the woman started her cycle, can foretell the future. If your monthly cycle started early passionate love awaits in the nearest future....
Dreams by Sigmund FreudDreams by Sigmund Freud
07 Oct.
Extremely important and interesting are Freud's interpretations of dreams, especially the relationship between sleep and dreams. In most cases, it is seen that dreams are those that interfere with sleep, which does not allow...
Divination by the Pythagorean SystemDivination by the Pythagorean System
29 July
Numerology is among one of the most widespread mystical beliefs and traditions of the esoteric link between man and numbers. The digit values, besides being a part of mathematics, become a part of astrology and enter into...
Unbelievable Technologies Inspired by AnimalsUnbelievable Technologies Inspired by Animals
25 Jan.
Undoubtedly, the greatest creator in the world is mother nature. The extraordinary forms she has created, whether they be living or not, continue to surpass the abilities of even the most ingenious inventors among humans....
Everyday Paradoxes Explained by PsychologyEveryday Paradoxes Explained by Psychology
11 May
Some seemingly paradoxical at first glance behavioral phenomena can be entirely explained by psychology because even if they appear irrational they do have a rational explanation. The more imperfect you are, the more...
Wise Words by Mahatma GandhiWise Words by Mahatma Gandhi
19 Mar.
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was a pacifist, a famous Indian spiritual leader and fighter for freedom and justice, who lived during the 19th - 20th centuries. Throughout his life's journey he said many wise words which have...
Read people by their voicesRead people by their voices
10 Dec.
The voice of a person tells about certain traits of their character. From how person talks, we can make many conclusions about their true nature. See which three characteristics of the human voice you should pay attention...
Countries That Will Disappear in the Next 20 YearsCountries That Will Disappear in the Next 20 Years
12 Dec.
China Unexpectedly, the British place China on the list of countries that will disappear....