»Articles»Yin and Yang

Every building feels the effects of the environment around it, the energies of Yin and Yang and the balance in one direction or the other....

Odd numbers - 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 are considered Yang, a symbol of the male beginning, while even numbers - 2, 6, 4 and 8 are Yin, the female beginning....

Yang is symbolized by the light part of the Yin-Yang symbol and bears the dark mark of Yin. Yin is symbolized by the dark part of the circle, and bears the mark of Yang....

Everybody has an individual balance of Yin and Yang. In an energetic, lively, noisy person, it is clear that they are dominated by Yang, while a shy and closed person is dominated by Yin....

The absence of relaxation can quickly cause a loss in Yin energy, thereby offsetting the harmony between Yin and Yang....

Make sure you avoid consuming watermelon and pears. You can also develop your Yang Energy by exercising out in the open.
4. Deficiency of Yin Energy
Those who are lacking Yin Energy are constantly thirsty....

According to Feng Shui, numbers are divided into yang - odd numbers and yin - even numbers....

The functional principle upon which Taoism philosophy is built is the principle of Yin and Yang....

This stone helps in balancing Yin and Yang. It brings harmony, aids the sex organ and excretory system function. It is the stone of longevity.
It's suitable for the zodiac signs Capricorn, Aquarius, Virgo, Aries....