

Looking for information on Sex? Check out our latest articles on Sex.
How the Moon Affects Love and SexHow the Moon Affects Love and Sex
In the period around the full moon, the desire for sex increases in most people, but most susceptible to this lunar phase are women....
Superstitions to Determine the Future Sex of a ChildSuperstitions to Determine the Future Sex of a Child
Some beliefs can help prospective parents understand what the sex of their future child is....
Male Sex Organs Grow in 12-Year-Old Girl in the Dominican RepublicMale Sex Organs Grow in 12-Year-Old Girl in the Dominican Republic
The problem lies in the Y-chromosome which leads to the production of large amounts of male sex hormones, in turn causing the formation of the male sex organs....
Erotic dreams are a good way to spend the nightErotic dreams are a good way to spend the night
Sex and Love Erotic dreams are not only "pure sex". If you dream that somehow suddenly you began to make sex with three red passionate women, it is clear that your real needs are far from satisfied....
Nerds are More Intelligent Than OthersNerds are More Intelligent Than Others
In order for the sex life of a couple, where the lady is highly intelligent, to be fulfilling, the man needs to be able to get her in the mood, sex therapists are adamant....
Our Eye Color Reveals Our Suitable PartnerOur Eye Color Reveals Our Suitable Partner
These representatives of the male sex see love and sex as an eternal unity and are very jealous. They are open and dedicated in love but it is difficult to gain their trust....
What Kind of Love Thrills do the Stars Send us Today - October 21?What Kind of Love Thrills do the Stars Send us Today - October 21?
Leo - You're brimming with energy, charm and sex appeal today. This is not going unnoticed by the opposite sex. The energy of the day makes it suitable for harmonizing relations with your partner and in the family....
The Great Historical Figures who Died VirginsThe Great Historical Figures who Died Virgins
Lewis Carroll The children's book writer and author of the classic Alice in Wonderland also left our world without ever having sex....
What do Men and Women Dream of?What do Men and Women Dream of?
Other studies have shown that men dream of representatives of their own sex more often than the opposite sex. Research has shown that 70% of the characters in men's dreams were other men....
The Uncanny Abilities of People with Blue EyesThe Uncanny Abilities of People with Blue Eyes
But aside from being particularly alluring to the opposite sex, they possess other abilities that scientists have noticed during various studies....
Gemini Woman and Leo Man Love CompatibilityGemini Woman and Leo Man Love Compatibility
This applies to their sex life too. After sex, she wants to talk to her partner. Leos, do not make the mistake of falling asleep immediately after sex, so as not to anger her....
Freudian Test Reveals the Hidden Sides to our PersonalityFreudian Test Reveals the Hidden Sides to our Personality
The fourth shape is related to sex. It represents how you subconsciously view sexual contact and in what position you place sex in your life....
Eye color shows your talentsEye color shows your talents
Love is manifested in women, only when the are worshiped by the opposite sex. Gray eyed gentlemen can sometimes be cold, powerful and of sharp nature and never sentimental....
Facts about the Samurai you Won`t See in the MoviesFacts about the Samurai you Won`t See in the Movies
While sex with women made them weak, they believed that sex with another man made them stronger than ever. 4....
The Correct Interpretations of the Most Scandalous Erotic DreamsThe Correct Interpretations of the Most Scandalous Erotic Dreams
- if a woman dreams that she's being intimate with another lady, this is by no means an indication that she's attracted to her own sex....
Love PotionsLove Potions
Drink 4/5 cup (200 milliliters) a day, while at the same time thinking about how attractive you've become to people of the opposite sex....