
The pictures obtained from space cameras clearly show numerous large objects with conical and pyramidal shape that resemble the Egyptian and Mexican pyramids....

The interest in Chinese pyramids significantly increased in 1994 with the publication of the book White Pyramid by Hartvig Hausdorff....

Indeed, the pyramids near Sarajevo are three – the Pyramid of the Sun, the Pyramid of the Dragon and the Pyramid of the Moon....



Today the most famous pyramids in Egypt are the Pyramids at Giza, the most popular is the Great Pyramid, designed for Pharaoh Khufu....

The latest photographs of the pyramids in Egypt, China and Mexico caused panic among the scientific community. In the photos, the tips of the pyramids can be seen sending rays into space....

But then Ray Brown could not find the underwater pyramid, as many times as he tried to return to the same place.
The pyramid of the Bahamas is most likely the long sought pyramid of Atlantis....



"Everything fears time, time fears the pyramids." This thought strikes each stood before the grandeur of the Egyptian pyramids. The most amazing buildings in human history were built approximately around 4600 years ago....

Furthermore the foundation of a pyramid called 'pyramid number 29' near Sakar Necropolis was discovered and was famous for it alley of the sphinxes....

The oldest pyramid in Egypt (the step pyramid) was built over 5000 years later....

The number of Pyramids in ancient Nubia (now Sudan), boast a total of 223 pyramids located in Kermen, Napa, Nuri, Naga and Meroe, which is more than twice the pyramids in neighboring Egypt....

Hence the Pyramid of the Moon is described as the climbing pyramid, unlike the pyramid of the Sun, whose sides are flat....