

Looking for information on Pharaohs? Check out our latest articles on Pharaohs.
Egyptian Pharaohs' Statues DiscoveredEgyptian Pharaohs' Statues Discovered
French and Egyptian archaeologists have discovered 5 kings' statue heads from the time of the pharaohs in Egypt....
Pharaohs of Ancient EgyptPharaohs of Ancient Egypt
Pharaoh in Ancient Egypt Pharaoh is a title of the ruler in ancient Egypt, which in translation means a palace, a big house....
Pyramids in honor of the pharaohs built in UkrainePyramids in honor of the pharaohs built in Ukraine
No man who has never heard of Egyptian pyramids, in fact they were large tombs that were built in ancient times, the glory of Pharaohs....
Millennia-Old Mummy Discovered in LuxorMillennia-Old Mummy Discovered in Luxor
Luxor is a city of about 500 000 and known for its temples and tombs, built in the time of the pharaohs....
Discovered, the mummy of Queen SesheshetDiscovered, the mummy of Queen Sesheshet
She is the mother of Pharaoh Teti, who founded the sixth dynasty of the ancient kingdom. Historians suggest that Sesheshet is one of the few women pharaohs that ruled ancient Egypt for 11 years....
Ancient Egyptians and kissing deathAncient Egyptians and kissing death
They believe that the truth on this issue will shed light on homosexual relationships in the palace of the ancient Pharaohs....
Alexander the Great and ancient EgyptAlexander the Great and ancient Egypt
Egyptian pharaohs were considered gods on earth and massive pyramids, temples and monuments were erected to express their glory....
Tomb of Egyptian Queen Portends the End of the WorldTomb of Egyptian Queen Portends the End of the World
Analysis of the tomb of Khentkaus III, wife of the Egyptian pharaoh Neferefre, reveals the cataclysms that destroyed the Egyptian kingdom and that are happening again today....
Ancient Egyptian PyramidsAncient Egyptian Pyramids
This was the duty of the Pharaohs, hence the Pyramids being built....
New pyramids found in EgyptNew pyramids found in Egypt
Today the most famous pyramids in Egypt are the Pyramids at Giza, the most popular is the Great Pyramid, designed for Pharaoh Khufu....
The Rise and Fall of CleopatraThe Rise and Fall of Cleopatra
The Roman legions crushed the pharaoh's forces and besieged Alexandria. Antony died from the wounds he received in battle....
The Curse of TutankhamunThe Curse of Tutankhamun
The world has always shrouded in mystery over the Pharaohs, Mummies and Pyramids. One of the most interesting is that covering the life and death of the young pharaoh Tutankhamun....
Moses Did Not Part the Sea - He Was Familiar with High and Low TidesMoses Did Not Part the Sea - He Was Familiar with High and Low Tides
Then the waters returned and killed the pursuing soldiers of the pharaoh. But this inspiring miracle story in the name of justice is questioned by Dr....
Ancient Egyptian InventionsAncient Egyptian Inventions
Egyptian civilization was born on the banks of the Nile in 3150 BC, when the upper and lower Egypt were united under the rule of the first Pharaoh....
Tutankhamun died because of blood poisoningTutankhamun died because of blood poisoning
Scientists say this wound led to the early death of the pharaoh....
Hidden Chamber Found in the Egyptian Bent Pyramid of SneferuHidden Chamber Found in the Egyptian Bent Pyramid of Sneferu
With permissions from the Egyptian government, research in the pyramids and tombs of the pharaohs has been ongoing since December of last year....