
Devil's Bath is a place shrouded in intriguing legends but it is one not everyone can visit, for the stink it produces will take you to Hell itself. And that is the origin of the lake's name - Devil's Bath....

The Codex Gigas in comparison is the Bible of the Devil precisely because of the huge 50cm portrait of the devil on page 290....

A team of Japanese scientists invented a device that can visualize human thoughts and dreams on a computer screen. Currently researchers are equipped with technology that can reproduce simple pictures of the brain....

In 1968, the world was shocked by the crimes committed by Mary Bell, who was just 11 years old when she killed 2 other kids - 4-year-old Martin Brown and 3-year-old Brian Howe.
Mary Bell is the most notorious killer child...

Five historic figures are suspected by conspiracy theories to have made a deal with the Devil, just like Faust from Goethe's homonymous work....

The time period between midnight and 3 AM is called the "devil's time" in a number of cultures. It is when all evil forces stir....

Within one week at the Devil's sea, six vessels went missing.
The maritime division is fatal not only for ships but for aircraft....

As a sign of gratitude toward the Devil, the monk drew an image of him in one of the book's pages, earning it the name the "Devil's Bible"....

The Church of Satan does not worship the Devil
According to the latest information, the Church of Satan is one of the fastest growing religions in the US....

Ann Putnam affirmed that day of being at the accuser\'s house and seeing her pray to the devil....

A few years ago, a Romanian priest murdered a nun after a brutal ritual, designed to banish the Devil from her....

It is the only text containing instructions on how to summon the Devil himself or any of his minions....

Ever since it became established that the herald of the devil was left-handed. Another factor (for many) is the fact that the Devil lives in the left half part of the body....

According to the Portuguese, ill luck will dog you if you walk backwards because this way you'd be calling forth the Devil. For the Dutch, you call the Devil every time you sing at a table....


Devil's Horns
The symbol of a hand raised in the air, showing a pinky and index finger, is a traditional one for every hard rock music fan....