The Tuareg society is one of the oldest inhabiting our planet. Their customs and rituals with warrior-men wearing indigo blue turbans, independent women that have more rights than European women and men wearing burkas are truly fascinating.
In the days when women's social status was akin to that of slaves and farm animals, there was one group of women that stood near the very peak of the societal hierarchy.
Clowns are meant to be fun, to bring joy and glee. But for millions of people, they are absolutely horrifying. Their seemingly frozen smile instills nothing other than pure terror.
According to many conspiracy theorists, Tesla was murdered to prevent him from realizing his idea, should he ever try again. His notes on his experiments were seized by the US government, years later said to have been lost. . .
The small golden figurines that once belonged to the Incas and so closely resemble modern-day airplanes continue to astound researchers, and the question of whether these ancient forms depicted an actual prototype remains.
One of the biggest attractions at the time were the so-called human zoos. They included exhibits of black people who were taken from their native villages in Africa and locked in cages like animals.
The prevailing idea in society is that the majority of psychopaths and serial killers are evil geniuses. They are seen as manipulative, unfeeling, with delusional behavior that distinguishes them from everyone else.
Several stories tell of people who have disappeared under rather mysterious circumstances and although they've left behind clues, no one has been able to determine what ultimately happened to them.
It's finally become clear why the human species is so much more aggressive than the majority of its fellow animals. The reason is evolution and not the civilization we're living in.
A new study claims that human beings have a natural lifespan limit. According to scientists, this limit has now been reached and the probability of someone living past 125 years of age (the current world record for longevity is 122) is 0.
According to the legends, Lilith reincarnated into the guise of the snake and tempted Eve from the Tree of Knowledge, to prove that even Adam's submissive wife was not perfect.