Ancient World

Ancient World

Antiquities , historical events and facts. Ancient civilizations and extinct cultures . The secrets and mysteries of ancient civilizations.
The History of HippocratesThe History of Hippocrates
13 Dec.
If you've decided to read this article, titled The History of Hippocrates, we're probably going to disappoint you a bit, because very little is really known about him.
Who are the Phoenicians?Who are the Phoenicians?
11 Dec.
Today we call money Phoenician signs, after the people who bequeathed us this means of payment. To the same people we also owe another great invention - the alphabet.
The Destruction of CarthageThe Destruction of Carthage
09 Dec.
Carthage was one of the most powerful rivals of the Roman Empire. How does it disappear from the face of the earth and what are the factors leading to its destruction?
Constantinople - Rise and FallConstantinople - Rise and Fall
09 Dec.
Constantinople was built by Emperor Constantine and was called the City of Constantine. Constantinople quickly became a center of science and culture.
The Story of HannibalThe Story of Hannibal
05 Dec.
Hannibal Barca was one of the greatest generals in ancient times. Hannibal was chosen as the leader of the soldiers in Iberia.
Xerxes I - Rise, Reign and FallXerxes I - Rise, Reign and Fall
05 Dec.
Xerxes I was a king of Persia from the Achaemenid dynasty. Even his name means hero among kings, the heroic king. These titles are due not to personal merit, but to his ancestry. Read more.
The Rise and Fall of Ancient RomeThe Rise and Fall of Ancient Rome
01 Dec.
The Roman Empire is considered one of the greatest state entities that ever existed on Earth. It managed to unite almost all the great civilizations of the world under a single rule.
The History of Octavian AugustusThe History of Octavian Augustus
30 Nov.
Octavian Augustus, also called Augustus Caesar or Octavian, was born as Gaius Octavius on September 23, 63 BC. He was the first Roman emperor after the fall of the republic. See more.
The Inquisition - Facts, Myths and TruthsThe Inquisition - Facts, Myths and Truths
30 Nov.
The word inquisition evokes feelings of evil, torture and fear. The Inquisition persecuted heretics for centuries. The most memorable and terrible was the Spanish Inquisition.
Genghis Khan - The Conqueror of The WorldGenghis Khan - The Conqueror of The World
28 Nov.
Temujin was born in 1162, and his name means Blacksmith. In 1206, he accepted the nickname Genghis Khan, given to him by the other chiefs. Golden rules of Genghis Khan - the conqueror of the world.
The History and Empire of Alexander the GreatThe History and Empire of Alexander the Great
28 Nov.
Alexander the Great is deservedly called that and for good reason. Life, reign and campaigns of Alexander the Great.
Persian Empire Rise and FallPersian Empire Rise and Fall
28 Nov.
World history knows many significant empires created in antiquity and among them the Persian Empire stands out especially brightly with its brilliance.
The History of MesopotamiaThe History of Mesopotamia
25 Nov.
To Mesopotamia we owe the invention of cultivated agriculture, the wheel, the calendar, numbers, the alphabet and much more. History and facts about Mesopotamia.