
Elephants sleep standing up during the NREM (non-rapid eye movement) stage and lie on the ground during REM sleep. REM sleep significantly helps brain development....

However, during REM sleep, our body does not obey our commands, making us incapable of escaping that which frightens us....

Persons suffering from REM sleep behavior disorder, act aggressively toward anyone around them or harm themselves, without even waking....

REM sleep occurs 45-60-90 minutes after the beginning of sleep and repeated after each cycle of the orthodox (slow) sleep. It is deeper than the slow sleep....

Sleep is divided into 2 types - REM and NREM. During the REM phase, our brain processes the information received during the day.
During the NREM phase, our brain processes the information of any problems in the body....

Scientists waited until the experiment participants entered the phase of REM sleep when most dreams occur, then in 10 seconds they put forward a strong dose of sweet air and a minute later they woke up....

The scientists waited until the participants in the experiment entered the REM sleep phase, when most dreams happen, then exposed them to a strong dose of aromatic air for the duration of 10 seconds and woke them 1 min. later...

During REM sleep the eyes under closed eyelids perform active movements, almost as during waking. Breathing is often intermittent. The brain consumes as much energy as during the day....


Nightmares mainly happen during the phase of REM sleep.
The main stories that keep reoccurring have to do with death, deadly risks, being chased, monsters and villains....

Then we drift deeper into sleep and fall into the so-called REM sleep or the state in which dreams appear.
At that point we find ourselves in the depths of our subconscious....

Study of the brain waves of the volunteers during sleep showed that deep sleep, much more than REM sleep or light sleep, helped in taking in new information....

Sleep is for relaxation and recreation, and goes through two stages - of REM sleep and deep sleep. But when you lose the boundaries between these two stages and the process of waking, sleep is terrible....

The patient reported no dreams, not even when she wakes during the so-called REM phase. Apparently, the occipital part of the brain that was damaged in the patient, play a role in the emergence of dreams....

The most vivid dreams occur during the REM phase. In this sleep phase are also the dreams that we are most likely to remember in the morning....

As a rule, nightmares occur during the REM stage. According to experts, this is an anxious psychological phenomenon, which usually leads the person to wake up.
In a study carried out by Dr....