»Choosen Collections»Full Moon Mermaid Urban Legend

And if they are already depressed, a full moon completely drains their body....

According to the legend, the tale played out in June 1972 in Cedars Senai Hospital, when a woman in a white dress walked in, whose outer appearance...

Expression of personal freedom is key when the Full Moon enters Gemini....

On September 28th at 02:50 UTC, the full moon phase occurred in fiery Aries....

The June full moon, no matter what sign it occurs in, is also called a Strawberry Full Moon according to Indian mythology....

The sun kept making gifts of clothing to the moon of all different sizes from the period of the full moon to the new moon period....

The full moon today will bring to the fore the questions that have been on our minds since the last new moon....

Once the Moon completes its cycle with a full Moon, our projects become clearer....

This fully applies to man as well, who also hunted during the full moon in the past....

A Full Moon is observed when the Earth comes between the Sun and the Moon....

Today, July 27, at 21:20 UTC, the Full Moon phase will occur, with the Moon returning to Aquarius, thereby triggering subjects related to friendship...

On November 6th, at 22:23 minutes UTC, the full moon fell into the zodiac sign of Taurus....

The full moon is a suitable time for cleansing the body of toxins....

The Full Moon that occurs approximately every 29.5 days was linked to a series of myths, legends, sinister stories and superstitions....
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