»Choosen Collections»Difference Between Chinese Yellow and Green Amulets
Amulets - Power and Effect
Rather a classic evil amulets are considered needles and pins, sulfur and arabic gum....
Talismans and amulets: meaning and colors
Talismans and amulets have a difference. Amulets protect from adverse impacts, and talismans give strong energy....
Yellow Color Meaning and Symbolism
Yellow combined with green in many places is associated with envy and hypocrisy....
Amulets for Business and Family
Talismans against misfortune
Theft - diamond, cat and tiger's eye. From violence guard turquoise and ruby....
The power and effects of Amulets
The classical amulets are considered as needles and pins, sulfur and acacia, these are the most valued by experienced magicians and witches....
Green Color Symbolism and Meaning
Green is a symbol of many countries and is present in most of the flags....
Meaning and Properties of Green Agate
In antiquity, it was among the highest prized materials for talismans and amulets....
Relations Between Aquarius Woman and Virgo Man
However, they have a different attitude towards life and most of the time do not share the same outlook....
Yin and Yang in Numerology According to Chinese Beliefs
It belongs to the Yin numbers with the element of fire. 2 is the number of complementing and is linked to the warmth of the relations between 2 people...
The Best Sleep is Between Tuesday Night and Wednesday
Besides the night of Tuesday going on Wednesday, the study has shown that the sleep we get between Thursday and Friday is also refreshing....
Lost Chinese pyramids
During World War II Guzmán was on a routine mission and flew between India and China, where problems occurred in the engine, which forced him to descend...
Amulets to attract money
Then the red fabric is used to saw a small pouch and the magnet and twigs are put in it. The pouch is tied with yellow thread....
Amulets for Good Luck
The ancient Greeks called 7 "the perfect number" because it is the sum of 3 (triangle) and 4 (square)....
Men and Women Have Different Nightmares
Scientists explain that there is a metaphorical link between nightmares and reality....
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