There are gems that help businesses and protect from spells. Talismans to protect business people are made primarily of precious stones. They can be kept on the desk in the office or anywhere visible, to guard the business.
Against delay of transactions helps diamond. Defamation is fought by sapphire and topaz. Against enemies in the business help aquamarine, diamond, opal, sapphire, tiger eye.
Against fraud and lies help aquamarine, turquoise, topaz, pearl, sapphire.
Against false friends - pearl, ruby, sapphire. Against the lack of money helps turquoise.

There are talismans of precious stones that prevent spells. Children's talismans against spells are suitable jade and amber. Against bad luck helps diamond, amethyst, pearls, emerald, malachite, jade, sapphire, amber, jasper.
Protection from spells - diamonds, amethyst, sapphire, emerald. Against already made spells help diamond, amethyst, garnet, malachite, emerald, coral, onyx.
Against nightmares and insomnia help charms diamond, amethyst, turquoise, pearl, emerald, malachite.
Against the evil eye - agate, amethyst, turquoise, garnet, coral, cat's eye, malachite, jade, onyx, topaz, amber.
Talismans against misfortune
Theft - diamond, cat and tiger's eye. From violence guard turquoise and ruby. Emerald, turquoise, coral, jade, amber protect you from accidents. From danger and adversity - agate, diamond, moonstone, emerald, coral.
Talismans for conjugal life
Against infidelity - diamond, cat's eye, sapphire, tiger eye. Poverty is fought by turquoise and love disabilities - amethyst and pearls. Aquamarine prevents separation. In disputes and quarrels are recommended diamonds, emeralds, rubies, topaz.
Talismans for Health and Beauty
Against pain - agate, aquamarine, coral, onyx, pyrite. Against stuttering - emerald, ruby, sapphire. Against premature death - Diamond and Garnet.