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The Most Curious Facts about AnimalsThe Most Curious Facts about Animals
20 June
Most people may not even suspect it but a large number of the mammals, birds, reptiles and other animals that surround us possess remarkable abilities....
Curious Facts about LightningCurious Facts about Lightning
24 Aug.
Here are a few curious facts about lightning: More than 25 million streaks of lightning flash across Earth's surface annually. If divided equally among the number of days that means 100 per second....
Curious Facts about the MasonsCurious Facts about the Masons
25 May
We hope to shed at least a little bit of light on this organization with several of the curious facts below. Masonry exists in different forms around the entire world....
How Columbus Hid the Moon and Other Remarkable Facts about ExplorersHow Columbus Hid the Moon and Other Remarkable Facts about Explorers
01 July
But before we do, let's take a look at some stunning facts about the adventurers who went out to explore our planet....
The Most Curious Facts about Human EvolutionThe Most Curious Facts about Human Evolution
20 Aug.
In their efforts to find out where we've come from and why, the experts have found some quite curious and remarkable facts. Here are some of them, published in the online Russian Factroom....
5 Curious Facts about the Human Body5 Curious Facts about the Human Body
13 Aug.
The human body is an entire Universe of facts, both solved and unsolved by scientists. The anatomy of man is still to this day a subject of various studies, with some interesting facts about it already evident. 1....
Facts and Myths about VampiresFacts and Myths about Vampires
30 Oct.
Some god-fearing vampires extend their existence by drinking the blood of animals, others are forced to hunt their own kind to survive. But most vampires in reality live thanks to human blood....
Superstitions about babies, animals and loveSuperstitions about babies, animals and love
10 Jan.
There are many folk beliefs and superstitions related to babies, love, money and animals....
Legends and Facts about North American IndiansLegends and Facts about North American Indians
17 Dec.
The Navajo Indian tribe is known for a curious ceremony, which is still practiced today. The Navajo celebrate the first period of every woman as a symbol of her transformation....
Myths, Legends and Facts about the MoonMyths, Legends and Facts about the Moon
12 Sept.
Not all stories about the moon are false. Most myths and legends contain some truth in themselves which fulfill the time during which they are created....
Facts about Space That Both Terrify and FascinateFacts about Space That Both Terrify and Fascinate
01 Dec.
Here's several facts about it that can simultaneously horrify and fascinate you....
Interesting Facts about SnakesInteresting Facts about Snakes
16 Oct.
Snakes have no ears but to make up for it have excellent eyesight. They have no nose either but have the extraordinary ability to sense smells. The fangs of poisonous snakes are considered to be one of the most precise biological...
Unexpected Facts about RainUnexpected Facts about Rain
19 Jan.
But there are a number of phenomenal facts about rain that few people are aware of and we'd like to share. 1. The place where it rains most frequently is the mountain of Waialeale in Kauaʻi, Hawaii....
Several Unbelievable Facts About DreamsSeveral Unbelievable Facts About Dreams
01 Aug.
There are however, several facts about them that few know, that would seem practically impossible for the majority of people....
Lesser Known Facts about AlbinismLesser Known Facts about Albinism
24 June
Here are a few facts about albinism to break away the stereotypes. Albinism is a genetic disorder (it is present at or before birth), causing a decrease or complete absence of melanin....
Seven Surprising Facts about PlutoSeven Surprising Facts about Pluto
10 Aug.
Considering the fact that the mountains are icy, it is postulated that the temperature on Pluto's surface is around {-230 °C}. 2....
Facts about black eyed peopleFacts about black eyed people
17 Mar.
Black eyes are a sign of passion and loveability. These people never give up what they have decided. Black-eyed individuals are persistent, resistant, tempered with difficulties, but take the right decisions. Passion burns...
Facts about blue eyed peopleFacts about blue eyed people
13 Feb.
The cornea of ​​blue-eyed people is more sensitive than the cornea of ​​people with brown eyes, and people with light eyes have weaker light filters. This explains why the inhabitants of northern countries have mostly...
Facts about brown eyed peopleFacts about brown eyed people
13 Feb.
People with brown eyes are a real bundle of energy. They are funny, witty and love to get their way in various ways. For them the end justifies the means. People with brown eyes love passionately, but their amorous passions...
6 unique facts about dreams6 unique facts about dreams
21 Jan.
Here is a very curious fact, people who give up smoking, dream more vivid dreams than smokers or those who have never used nicotine. During sleep the body of man is paralyzed This actually is true....
Interesting Facts about Healthy Sleep and How to Easily Attain itInteresting Facts about Healthy Sleep and How to Easily Attain it
07 Sept.
Below are several interesting facts about sleep you can ponder before drifting off into sound, healthy sleep. Just 12% of people dream in black and white....
Facts and Myths about the Full Moon you May Not KnowFacts and Myths about the Full Moon you May Not Know
14 Oct.
If you're among the people who are interested in this mysterious moon phase, read on to find out some facts and myths about it you may not know......
Ying and Yang factsYing and Yang facts
30 Dec.
In practicing Feng Shui, one believes that everything must be in a state of balance. When energies are not at harmony with each other, problems are sure to arise. Ying and Yang are the two opposite energies that complement...
Facts about People with Grey EyesFacts about People with Grey Eyes
29 Oct.
Here are several curious facts about them: - People with grey eyes are sensual, ones who seem to live in their own reality....
Most Fascinating Facts about the EarthMost Fascinating Facts about the Earth
23 Apr.
Looking from a scientific perspective, there are a whole lot of curious facts surrounding the Earth's geographical characteristics and its shape, definitely more interesting than what we can see with the naked eye....