Famous American inventor and businessman Thomas Edison had been making efforts to invent a machine allowing a person to hear the voices of ghosts. This information came to light after France publicized a never-before-seen chapter of the the inventor's memoirs.
The chapter is part of the Diary and Sundry Observations of Thomas Alva Edison, which was published in 1948, nearly 20 years after Edison died.
For reasons unknown however, this specific part of the English editions of the book, where he wrote of his unusual experiments, was removed. It was included in a 1949 French edition.
Because of this, this fascinating chapter was put into another work called Le Royaume de l`Au-dela (The Kingdom of the Afterlife) which was recently revealed in France.
The American inventor intended to build a spirit phone, which would amplify the sound signals of his phonographs (a prototype of the record player) and record the voices of the deceased.
Edison was a strong believer in the existence of ghosts. He was also more than convinced that ghosts communicated with each other and he tried to prove this with his invention.

Another factor proving that the inventor believed in the afterlife was the contract he signed with William Walter Dinwiddie. According to the agreement, whichever one of them died first was to do everything possible to send a message to the other from beyond the grave.
Thomas Edison is widely known for many reasons. He invented a series of devices and was one of the first to apply the principles of mass production to inventions. He contributed to the invention of the radio, phonograph, dictation machine, tattoo machine and others.
An interesting fact, Thomas Edison never recognized the aid he received from his assistants and followers. All great successes and inventions he attributed solely to himself. With the hidden chapter of his memoirs now out in the open, his image attracts even more attention to itself.