
However, this does not confirm that a thicker brain necessarily makes people become religious....

Every religion has its own rituals, which miscreants find to be strange and logically inexplicable. But there are rites so weird that they can shock any sober person with their level of brutality....

Religion is founded on faith. For religious persons, the words of the Bible are the revelations of life, which do not need experiments to be proven....

There are numerous strange religions and cults all over the world. One of these religions is Scientology - a cult formed in the 50s of the last century....

It is believed that they are used by religious cults....


According to Nostradamus, a new religious teaching will emerge from Russia in 2016. It will quickly spread and manage to unite all other religions into one....

Regarding their religious beliefs, the first coherent religious system for them was Zoroastrianism....

The people of ancient Persia practiced religion called Zoroastrianism. Concepts of the Zoroastrianism religion were later entered in other religions such as Islam, Christianity and Judaism....

Buddhism is a religion that is becoming more and more popular all over the world. The curious thing about this religion is that, unlike the others, there is no worship and belief in any God....

Sæhrímnir - God of eternal bacon
The Vikings knew that their religion would be incomplete if they did not have a god of bacon....

To free the victims from the presence of demons, they use prayers, incantations, amulets, hand gestures or other religious methods....

A common phenomenon in the religious life of the Ming dynasty era was the existence of local cults among the people, along with the official religion....

Later, the Roman embrace of Christianity helped elevate that religion from a minor cult to one of the great world religions....


Religion of the Aztecs
The Aztecs were polytheists as a religious belief. They propitiated with human sacrifices of captives many gods, each with different power, character and symbols....