

Looking for information on Hallucinations? Check out our latest articles on Hallucinations.
UFO films cause hallucinationsUFO films cause hallucinations
There are more frequent alerts of UFO sightings after a Hollywood and the worlds film studios release a movie objected on the very subject of extraterrestrial beings. David Clarke from the University of Sheffield is convinced...
Having Hallucinations? Don't Worry, it's NormalHaving Hallucinations? Don't Worry, it's Normal
The scientists' conclusion is that hallucinations are not symptoms of a damaged brain....
A Mysterious Duchess was Francisco Goya's Great MuseA Mysterious Duchess was Francisco Goya's Great Muse
As a result of the illness, Goya was paralyzed and began having severe hallucinations....
Most popular sleep disturbancesMost popular sleep disturbances
Carotid hallucinations occur in the transition from wakefulness to sleep, once your head relax on the pillow....
Still not really clear why we sleepStill not really clear why we sleep
Continued absence of sleep leads to hallucinations, changes in mood and in some cases even death....
Sleep Disorders: narcolepsySleep Disorders: narcolepsy
Hallucinations When a man has narcolepsy hallucinations may occur....
If you hear voices, reduce the coffeeIf you hear voices, reduce the coffee
Besides hearing voices, excess caffeine may cause hallucinations. It can be reached after the seventh cup of coffee per day....
The five most inexplicable phenomenaThe five most inexplicable phenomena
Skeptics believe that these are hallucinations of the traumatized brain, but no one has demonstrated that it is not in the afterlife. Fourth place are UFOs....
A Dose of LSD a Day Gives the Human Brain SuperpowersA Dose of LSD a Day Gives the Human Brain Superpowers
Naturally, they weren't seeing reality before them, the images in their head were hallucinations. "This is why psychedelic substances as a whole and LSD are special....
Find out the Most Bizarre Things about our Dreams on World Sleep DayFind out the Most Bizarre Things about our Dreams on World Sleep Day
The documented record for the longest time a human has gone without sleep is 18 days, 21 hours and 40 minutes, with the individual who achieved it having suffered frequent hallucinations, blurry vision, bouts of paranoia...
Why Does Sleep Paralysis Make you See Demons?Why Does Sleep Paralysis Make you See Demons?
The mysterious figures and sensations that you cannot flee from sometimes look so real but are actually hallucinations. The brain makes them real and causes your subconscious to believe that they were truly there....
Hypnagogia - How to Bring About a Prolific DreamHypnagogia - How to Bring About a Prolific Dream
Hypnagogia is a method used to bring about hallucinations in the transitional phase between wakefulness and falling asleep....
Historical Figures Who Were Mentally IllHistorical Figures Who Were Mentally Ill
The writer often had hallucinations, which led him to burn his works....
The Mythical Monster LeviathanThe Mythical Monster Leviathan
Then they had no other choice but to drink the seawater, resulting in hallucinations or even a tragic end for the men....
A Man Went 18 Days Without SleepA Man Went 18 Days Without Sleep
The record breaker won a lot of money but damaged his eyesight permanently, lost entire parts of his memory, has hallucinations and problems speaking....
The Healing Power of MandrakeThe Healing Power of Mandrake
It is possible to become poisoned from mandrake, with symptoms being nausea, hallucinations, somnolence. It may cause memory loss, or falling into a coma....