Hungarian historians say they've located the grave of Turkish sultan Suleiman the Magnificent. The monarch died in September 1566 during the Siege of Szigetvár in South Hungary.
A dreamcatcher is a talisman that comes from Native American mythology. The Native Americans believed that dreams reflected a person's confidence, maturity, goodness and loyalty.
According to the Doctrine of Races, the first race was that of the self-born - ethereal, angel-like beings who were up to 164 ft (50 m) tall. The second race was the so-called Hyperboreans.
A 17th-century Spanish missionary that preached Christianity to the Jumano Indians still remains to this day one of the most mysterious figures in the history of the New world.
In terms of advancements in biology, the European Renaissance sparked the interest of people toward empirical natural history and physiology. In 1543, Andreas Vesalius set the beginning of the age of modern Western medicine.
French researcher Pascal Cotte has announced that using scanning technology he's found a second portrait on the canvas of Leonardo da Vinci's legendary Mona Lisa.
The wreck of the San Jose has been found off the coasts of Colombia, with preliminary information stating that it has on board gold, silver coins and emeralds, valued at $1. 5 billion.
Researcher Shoshanna Cole has found what's been eroding the rocks on Mars - an acid fog caused by volcanic eruptions. Cole makes her conclusion based on data received from the Spirit Mars Rover.
The discoverer of the New World suffered from syphilis and was even accused of being the one who brought venereal diseases to America. Columbus himself and one of his captains had sexual relations with the natives and infected them with the diseases.
Chemical analysis of archaeological evidence from the Middle Ages reveals that people back then suffered from a wide range of diseases and mental derangement - all the result of continual lead poisoning.
Powerful geomagnetic storms headed toward Earth are caused by solar flares. These result from the phenomena known as coronal mass ejections or streams of high speed solar wind, which come from sunspots on the Sun.
On September 20, 1519, admiral Magellan's fleet of 5 ships sailed out of the Spanish port Sanlúcar de Barrameda. The ships comprising Magellan's fleet were the flagship Trinidad, San Antonio, Concepción, Santiago and Victoria.
Cleopatra belonged to the Ptolemaic dynasty, which was actually Greek, while some sources even add that it originated from Alexander the Great, who appointed his relative - Ptolemy, as ruler of Egypt after he conquered it.