
It is believed that vampires are dead sinners whose souls do not go to our world, but remain confined in the body it inhabits. It is believed that the vampire is a dead man, whom was adopted in the sky....

Deceased children were photographed in their parents' embrace, and living ones - in the laps of their dead mothers....

It was spring 1947 when a group of Bedouin goat herders were searching the coast of the Dead Sea searching for a goat. Even to this day it continues to cause a fascination within the scholarly community....

On checking whether this man was truly dead, no heartbeat or reaction of the pupils were to be found.
This man was dead. The black people surrounded him and began to scream....

In most parts of the world, a person is pronounced dead after they experience a complete and irreversible loss of brain function. This condition is known as brain death....

To lose a loved one is a trauma that sometimes cannot be coped with for years. People who live through such a shock often fall into a severe depression, never leave their home, stop eating and stop communicating with their...

She has a phenomenal ability to interact with the souls of dead. She gained this ability as a child at only six years old.
Ellison was born in Phoenix in 1972....

Holes have appeared along the coast of the Dead Sea, leading to the collapse of several buildings.
The disappearance of the Dead Sea won't be sudden....

Of course this only happens if the dead are revered according to custom. If the dead are overlooked, they punish the individual who has overlooked them....


The Dead Sea Scroll manuscripts were discovered in 1947 in the Qumran Caves, located near the Dead Sea's shores. 900 fragments have been found to this day, all authored by the ancient Judaic sect....

This colorful mix is explained by the fact that probably the Book of the Dead was edited and enriched for several centuries....

That was why people would put gifts outside their door, to appease the dead, while also hiding behind their tightly barred doors....

As Christianity requires, before they are buried, the bodies of the dead are stored in these houses of death....

To the amazement of workers however, 11 hours after being declared dead, Kolkiewicz woke up in her morgue chamber....