Dream Dictionary
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Questions and Advices
Do you have any questions related to dreams and the supernatural? Ask them using the form at the bottom and we/our users will answer them.
What Does a Dream of Being in a Taxi Mean?
What is Acid Rain?
How do they Cast Magic with a Pentagram?
What is Grey Magic?
How Did Mammoths Go Extinct?
How Much Does a Dolphin Weigh?
At What Age Does the Nose Stop Growing?
How is Gold Found?
Why Shouldn't I Wear Gold and Silver at the Same Time?
Why Wear a Ring on the Index Finger?
Why is the Pacific Ocean Called So?
Every How Many Years Does the Calendar Repeat?
Why Shouldn't I Ever Kill a Praying Mantis?
What Does it Mean if you Have a Lot of Ants in the Home?
What is a Pagan?
Why Do Indian Women Wear a Red Dot Between their Eyebrows?
How Many Tectonic Plates are There?
How Much Does the Human Head Weigh?
How Long Does it Take for a Human Body to Decompose?
How Long Can a Person Last Without Air?
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How Many Times a Year is There a Full Moon?
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