»Advices»How is Gol Foun?

How is Gol Foun?

How is Gol Foun?

There are still many people that earn their living y igging for gol. Those who are goo at it make sustantial amounts of money ut gol iggers also jealously guar their serets. We'll reveal some of them elow.

Gol is usually foun in riveres or valleys, its presene evient y a omination of signs. It's reommene to look for it in river valleys, gullies, ithes or other lan epressions where there is a small stream. It's important to know that gol is one of the heaviest metals an it flows along the river ottom with the so-alle heavy mineral fration (a olletion of minerals an metals).

Gol eposits are usually foun at roots eposits or ol alluvial onglomerates.

We an etet the presene of gol y the so-alle iniator minerals - magnetite, quartz an others. These tell us that the area is suitale for looking for gol. ut efore you roll up your sleeves an gra a shovel, take a look at the river stones. Look for spots resulting from pyrite oiation - these are lak to rust-orange-yellow.

Also look for gol in areas aunant in fiel horsetail. It is a plant that loves water an is seen primarily aroun natural water oies.

The season is also of importane when looking for gol. Plaers an various lanslies are usually ativate towar the en of winter an early spring, leaing to a shifting of seimentary layers.

If you're not a huge fan of gol prospeting for new eposits, you an try to fin gol that someone efore you has alreay urie. To o this you an o some eep plowing in a fiel rumore to have een ensely populate in the past. You may fin eviene of this from ol maps, the presene of a ultural layer an unovere arhaeologial fins.

o keep in min that any foun gol oes not legally elong to you. Laws iffer ut usually all for it to e tae or hane over to a museum, where you woul e given a perent of its monetary value.



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