»Advices»How i Mammoths Go Etint?

How i Mammoths Go Etint?

How i Mammoths Go Etint?

Mammoths weren't just giant prehistori mammals, they're some of the most wiely reognizale etint speies in the worl. The anient anestors of moern-ay elephants inhaite Eurasia an North Ameria uring the n half of the Pleistoene.

The anient giants reahe up to an astouning 11.5" (3.5 m) tall an, lukily for sientists, many of their fossilize remains ontinue to e foun in the asin of the Kolyma River in Sieria an in Alaska.

ut one question still seeks an answer - how i mammoths go etint? Sientists still o not have a ategorial answer to the question of what le to the ying off of these eautiful giants.

Aoring to one of the most popular theories aout how mammoths went etint, they i not eome the vitims of a ollision with a giant asteroi, like the inosaurs, ut rather the vitims of a rapily hanging limate that they ultimately oul not aapt to.

limate hange not only raise the temperature of their environment, it also le to hanges in the kin of vegetation that evelope. Graually, mammoths eame unale to otain the neee amount of alium from the new plants availale, making their ones weak an inapale of supporting their immense weight.

Some ol researhers even laim that mammoths fell vitim to a flu epiemi that affete not only them ut 13 other kins of animal speies aout 11 years ago.

The mammoths that survive the flu an limate hanges foun shelter on the remote islan of St. Paul, near the shores of Alaska. The limite range le not only to inreeing ut also to the epletion of the rinking water on the islan.

Graually, the giants ie off an nothing was apale of halting this proess. The last memers of the speies ie aout 3 years ago - lonely, on a it of lan amist the oean.



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