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Myths About the Zodiac Signs DebunkedMyths About the Zodiac Signs Debunked
01 Aug.
Libra Myth: Libras are pretentious. Fact: Libras are neither pretentious, nor do they express a false self or behavior toward others - they are simply cautious....
The Rise and Fall of CleopatraThe Rise and Fall of Cleopatra
17 Mar.
Her full name was Cleopatra VII Thea Philopator which meant Cleopatra the Goddess, father-loving, homeland-loving....
The Life of the Ancient RomansThe Life of the Ancient Romans
22 Nov.
Another interesting fact about the Romans is that there were also travelers in the Roman Empire, but they were mainly merchants, soldiers, doctors and artists....
The Life of the Ancient GreeksThe Life of the Ancient Greeks
19 Oct.
All the areas covering the Mediterranean region in antiquity are known as Ancient Greece. The population of these areas spoke the ancient Greek language and called themselves Hellenes. The Ancient Greeks also ruled the...
The Myth of the Punishment of TantalusThe Myth of the Punishment of Tantalus
05 Apr.
Here's what mythology says about this inhabitant of ancient Greece....
Myths, Legends and Facts about the MoonMyths, Legends and Facts about the Moon
12 Sept.
Not all stories about the moon are false. Most myths and legends contain some truth in themselves which fulfill the time during which they are created....
Five Theories about the Origin of Life on EarthFive Theories about the Origin of Life on Earth
18 June
Panspermia This is one of the most popular theories about the origins of life on Earth....
The Life of Napoleon BonaparteThe Life of Napoleon Bonaparte
10 Jan.
Napoleon's political skills helped him become First Consul in 1800, after which he set about crushing the neighboring European states, which at that time were at war with France....
The Myth of the Oracle at DelphiThe Myth of the Oracle at Delphi
01 Oct.
In the ancient world, the Delphic Oracle was considered to be the most accurate means by which predictions and prophecies could be made. It was located at the Temple of Apollo in Delphi. Even today, the ruins of the...
Discovered the tomb of Cleopatra and Mark Antony?Discovered the tomb of Cleopatra and Mark Antony?
31 Oct.
Experts believe that the couple were buried in tunnels under the temple complex in the ancient city of Magna Taposiris, located about 27 km from Alexandria....
Palmistry - Meaning of the Line of LifePalmistry - Meaning of the Line of Life
22 Oct.
The line of life is the most important and discussed line in palmistry. It is situated from the edge of the palm under the thumb and curves like a rainbow toward the wrist. It is thought that this line reflects the viability...
A New Theory About the Extinction of the DinosaursA New Theory About the Extinction of the Dinosaurs
15 Dec.
Russian scientists from Vladivostok have laid out a new theory about how the dinosaurs went extinct. According to them, the reason for it was the abrupt increase in earthly mass and gravity....
Scenarios and predictions about the end of the worldScenarios and predictions about the end of the world
05 Oct.
It turned out that there were about 1000 so far. Fortunately, none of which seriously threaten the Earth....
The Thrilling Life of Sidney Reilly - the Real James BondThe Thrilling Life of Sidney Reilly - the Real James Bond
08 Dec.
Books about the super-spy became bestsellers and continue to sell millions of copies each year. In addition, the film series about the secret agent have long ago transformed into a pop-cultural phenomenon....
Life Through the Eyes of Albert EinsteinLife Through the Eyes of Albert Einstein
08 July
appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity; - Every man needs to be what he is, not what he wants to be; - Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about...
The Life Mission of Each Zodiac SignThe Life Mission of Each Zodiac Sign
13 Nov.
Each zodiac sign has its life mission to fulfill. Aries is a cheerful sun sign. The mission of people born under the sign of Aries is to charge others with their solar energy. Very often the words of Aries turn out to be...
The Truth About the End of the World is Encoded in the Papal Basilica of St. PaulThe Truth About the End of the World is Encoded in the Papal Basilica of St. Paul
15 May
If information about the outer appearance of any pope was lost, the Italian painter Filippo Agricola would simply come up with a portrait. The papal portrait tradition hides a sinister secret....
Strange Facts about the Month of JanuaryStrange Facts about the Month of January
09 Jan.
Many legends exist about the month of January. Here are some of the most interesting: - Wolfmonth - this was what the Anglo-Saxons called January....
Hypotheses about the secret of Baghdad BatteryHypotheses about the secret of Baghdad Battery
27 Jan.
At the time, when the batteries were dated to about 2000-2500 years ago, they have been used for two basic plating techniques which still apply....
The most famous Greek mythsThe most famous Greek myths
07 Dec.
Another famous legend about the Argonauts, who sought the Golden Fleece. It tells of the goddess Nefela, who became the wife of a mortal king and bore him children - Friks and Hella....
Fascinating Myths about LeprechaunsFascinating Myths about Leprechauns
17 Mar.
In this regard, we've decided to share a few stunning facts about leprechauns, which are said to bring money and good fortune to locals....
Behold the Earliest Known Ancestral Organism of Life on the PlanetBehold the Earliest Known Ancestral Organism of Life on the Planet
03 Feb.
The find is about 540 million years old and experts say they can trace the evolutionary chain, which eventually led to humans, back to this organism....
Facts and Myths about the Full Moon you May Not KnowFacts and Myths about the Full Moon you May Not Know
14 Oct.
If you're among the people who are interested in this mysterious moon phase, read on to find out some facts and myths about it you may not know......
The Rosicrucians and Their Mystical Teachings of LifeThe Rosicrucians and Their Mystical Teachings of Life
11 Dec.
During the 17th century a mystical movement called Rosicrucianism arose, the name inspired by its original founder Christian Rosenkreuz. It's also known as the Order of the Rosy Cross. The Rosy Cross itself is the symbol...
German Researcher Reveals the Secret Life of TreesGerman Researcher Reveals the Secret Life of Trees
13 June
If, however, a tree is lonely, sort of like a homeless person who wanders about, and lacks the support of the others, it is at great risk of dying quickly....