This morning at 7 AM and 11 minutes the full moon enters the zodiac sign of Sagittarius. Today we will react incredibly emotionally and we will have to wisely accept the reality we live in.
The full moon predisposes us to make plans for the future and strive with greater energy for that which we desire.
In the days surrounding the full moon, it is good to look at the big picture and the large scale goals and projects that have taken a backseat because we have been too focused on the details.

A great many people today will fulfill the aching desire to break the boundaries which society has placed on them and to free themselves of their rigid beliefs.
The adventurous spirit will also peak today, especially among representatives of the sign of Sagittarius, who today will feel the effects of the full moon most strongly.
Expansion, enrichment of our worldview, the eagerness to go ever farther and higher, through external or internal travels, is a case for Sagittarius.
Now is the ideal period for assessment of the new beginnings and approaches that we have adopted during the time of the new moon. With a clear conscience, we can revise certain goals, wishes and intentions, that we have made under the powerful influence of the rational mind, by now listening to the voice of intuition.

Every encounter with a new culture, race or religion will expand our horizons and worldview.
The full moon in Sagittarius will lead us to rearrange our personal relationships, so as to surround ourselves with more people that support and encourage us.
Today, most people will fall under the influence of Sagittarius, sensing the strong urge to get away from routine and boredom by discovering new ways to have fun.
The Algonquin Indians call the June full moon a "Strawberry full moon, " because according to their crop calendar, this was the time to begin picking the fruits.
Some claim that the June full moon is responsible for naming the sweet time after a wedding - honeymoon, since most weddings were traditionally organized at the end of spring and beginning of summer.