

Looking for information on Stonehenge? Check out our latest articles on Stonehenge.
Archaeologists Find Second StonehengeArchaeologists Find Second Stonehenge
Instead of being arranged in a circle, like Stonehenge, they were placed in a long row....
New Megalithic Monuments Near StonehengeNew Megalithic Monuments Near Stonehenge
1.8 miles (3 km) from the emblematic Stonehenge, archaeologists have uncovered a site that looks very much like it....
Stonehenge and the 47 Lunar MonthsStonehenge and the 47 Lunar Months
Stonehenge was built more than 3, 500 years ago and it is said to have been used for predicting lunar eclipses....
Stonehenge is designed for a sound illusionStonehenge is designed for a sound illusion
It is likely that this opportunity for silence inspired the creators of Stonehenge. But instead of bagpipes, the rocks of Stonehenge mimic this amusing sound illusion....
The ancient people had primitive GPSThe ancient people had primitive GPS
Part of the network are tentative signs and landmarks such as Stonehenge and the mound Silbari Hill, says Brooks. To all this he says, he has studied a prehistoric site in 1500....
Forgotten mysteries of HistoryForgotten mysteries of History
Stonehenge is still a mystery, but the same can be said for the Carnac Stones that are arranged in straight rows in northwestern France in the commune of Carnac....
An Entire 260 Giant Geoglyphs in the Kazakhstan Desert Confound ScientistsAn Entire 260 Giant Geoglyphs in the Kazakhstan Desert Confound Scientists
After realizing how ancient they actually were, he made a hypothesis that they could have served for tracking the movement of the Sun, like at Stonehenge....
Could This be Atlantis? The Ancient City of Arkaim Hides a Great SecretCould This be Atlantis? The Ancient City of Arkaim Hides a Great Secret
Research indicates that Arkaim is 40 centuries old, meaning that this fantastic Ural stronghold had existed even before the heyday of ancient Egypt and is about as old as Stonehenge in England....
Blavatsky PredictionsBlavatsky Predictions
How else could one explain the origin of such Megalith facilities such as statues of Easter Island, architectural monuments in South America - Tiahuanaco, the legendary Stonehenge and much more....
The most important Archeological finds of the XXI centuryThe most important Archeological finds of the XXI century
In 2010, near the famous Stonehenge, Wood Henge was found. It was formed from 24 facilities up to 3 feet tall. It is believed to be about 4500 years old....
Unravel the secrets of Nazca phenomenonUnravel the secrets of Nazca phenomenon
It became known to the disclosure of the mystery of Stonehenge in England, describing the building as a prehistoric astronomical calendar, Hawkins sought orientations of the star pieces....
The Nebra Sky DiskThe Nebra Sky Disk
Proof of this are ancient structures such as Stonehenge, which were built in accordance with the Moon, various star systems and others....