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Meteor Showers

Looking for information on Meteor Showers? Check out our latest articles on Meteor Showers.
Expect a Meteor Shower SoonExpect a Meteor Shower Soon
On June 28 and 29, the Southern and Northern Delta Aquariids meteor showers are going to make every wish come true....
Perseids - the Legendary Meteor ShowerPerseids - the Legendary Meteor Shower
To fully enjoy a meteor shower, we need to get out of the large metropolitan areas, get up in a high spot and face north....
Geminids Meteor Shower Peaks on December 14Geminids Meteor Shower Peaks on December 14
The Geminids meteor shower will peak on December 14. Given good meteorological conditions, we'll be able to observe over 120 meteors per hour. Geminids is the most active visible meteor shower from December 4 - 17....
Expect the Orionid Meteor Shower 2 Nights in a RowExpect the Orionid Meteor Shower 2 Nights in a Row
They are the brightest meteors visible and leave the clearest trails in their wake....
Orionid Meteor Shower to Make All Wishes Come True on ThursdayOrionid Meteor Shower to Make All Wishes Come True on Thursday
Early on Thursday morning, October 22, the Orionid meteor shower will make all wishes come true. The meteor shower will be at its brightest at 2 am GMT, with 20-25 meteors falling per hour then....
Geminids and Beliefs about MeteorsGeminids and Beliefs about Meteors
Back then, people couldn't explain the appearance of the impressive meteor shower. What we know is that back in the early centuries, meteor showers were something quite strange and even terrifying to our ancestors....
Shooting Stars in the Coming DaysShooting Stars in the Coming Days
Every year, Earth enters the outer edges of comet clusters, which is why we can see the light activity of meteor showers....
The Astronomical Events Until the End of the Year Worth SeeingThe Astronomical Events Until the End of the Year Worth Seeing
The meteor shower will continue until August 24. Three weaker meteor showers are expected at the end of July and beginning of August....
Shooting Stars Make Wishes Come True This WeekShooting Stars Make Wishes Come True This Week
Every year during the month of August we can witness this meteor shower. The meteor shower itself is actually leftover debris from comets that enter the atmosphere with noticeable speed....
Shooting Stars Throughout AugustShooting Stars Throughout August
The meteor showers will commence on August 5-6th, and will reach their peak between the 11th and 13th of August....
Most Popular Beliefs and Superstitions about MeteorsMost Popular Beliefs and Superstitions about Meteors
It's also thought that if 2 people look at a meteor shower together, they'd be forever connected....
What are Space Jellyfish?What are Space Jellyfish?
Space jellyfish, also known as star jellies is the phenomenon that occurs during a meteor shower....
Noteworthy Celestial Events to Come in 2016Noteworthy Celestial Events to Come in 2016
There will be several meteor showers in 2016 as well but the majority of them will be obscured by the lunar light. The brightest will be the shooting stars from Eta Aquarids....